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Alright!! So first the disclaimer: these aren't exactly "high quality scans"; I grabbed them inside dark airplanes (though I'm fairly happy with my lighting solution), and since modules were always mounted to a wall, I was never able to get a full 360 view (although again, I'm fairly happy with my reconstruction efforts). Add to that the fact that it's surprisingly hard to capture clean scans of angular hard-surface objects, and you have a recipe for fairly blobby scans.

That out of the way, I think they're pretty cool!! A couple months ago I was starting work on a teaser for SHEP Films, and they wanted some spaceships interiors. I mentioned I'd love to start with a photoscanned base- and like an hour later Brice (a man of many talents but also their production coordinator) emails saying he got us permission to scan a bunch of airplanes. Brice is the best. You'll be hearing more about that project, soon (wrapping it up in a few days).

Blend File
FBX Version

(Also could mix well with the previous Cockpit Assets! And an Astronaut?)

I've also got other stuff from that shoot day (landing gear and engines), but it needs a bit more attention, first, and I gotta wrap up a few other projects. 

The above in particular didn't really have enough data for a good reconstruction, but I'm including it cause it might be useful to someone? ALSO I could upload the original video I extracted the data from, if anyone thinks they might be able to get a better result. 

And OH HO yes old bombsights! These things are wild (also the day I was cleaning the scans Veritasium came out with a video on them?? (which I now can't find?)). Could make great robot greebles. 

737 Controls (I went in and added little glass covers to all the gauges I could find- the reflections add a lot, IMO). 

More Controls!

Modules! A lot of the cables were the biggest victims of the sub-optimal scanning conditions. I replaced some of them, but nestled up into a wall they usually look alright :)

I scanned one of these through a glass display case in a dark room- kinda can't believe it turned out at all.

BUT YES! I hope some of you find these as useful as I have! It's a dense grounded aesthetic that's pretty hard to achieve from scratch (though I've seen people do it, and it's always bonkers impressive)- I'm excited to play around with them more! Gonna em up with the hologram shader- should be fun :D



Holy shit Ian this is amazing! by far the best asset pack you've posted. appreciate it :)


Omg! So cool! Thank you!


Thank you for the best assets !! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! However, the links of the Blend file and the fbx file are reversed! But I knew it right away, so I'm sure everyone else is okay! I support you! I love Dynamo. And always I dream of Dynamo


OH! Thanks for the heads up!! I'll fix it right now! And thank you so much for the nice words, Kazuya!!


Amazin! should be amazing to have acess to scan this kind of stuff. thanks!


AH thank you so much!!! Fixed! :D

Noneya D Biznazz

Which button is the cigarrette lighter?


Holy shit you actually gave these out, this is like, REALLY really cool, even more cool that you're giving them for us to use. Thank you so much!


Thank you based Blender Man


Hey Ian, thanks man, but I think it is better to recalculate normals they are kind of messed up.


Wow, thank you so much!!


OMG, Ian you made my day, this is absolutely brilliant stuff 🤯🤯🤯

Manuel Grewer

Unbelievable! Need to collect my jaw from the floor now! Also, speaking of glass, could you do a tutorial of how to ad glass covers to existing models? I have scanned a camera lens to create some design previs stuff for a project at my workplace. The scan captured the "bulge" of the front lens nicely, but not much behind that. So when I render it, it looks nothing like a real camera lens, because there is nothing behind the glass. I did model a simple camera apperture to go behind the front glass. Now I need to figure out how to separat the scanned geometry of the glass to turn it into an actual glass dome, fit my modeled apperture in, and merge everything back together.


Very cool. Have you seen the Smithsonians scan of the inside of the Apollo capsule? Similar vibe. Interior and exterior are CC0. https://3d.si.edu/collections/apollo11


Ian! Thank you for these! These are amazing!


awesome, thank you. I think your links to the downloads are opposite. FBX downloads a Blend file, Blend downloads an FBX

Ian Letarte

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgF3OX8nT0w video on the bomb sight?


Oh hah! Yup! I guess it didn't come out when I was cleaning the scan- that's just when I saw it.


Ahh yeah I think that's how it was when I originally posted it, so if you downloaded it straight from the email my mistake is probably enshrined that way forever :/ Fixed now, thanks! :D


Yeesss! This is amazing, im actually working on a plane flying.....well crashing i guess depending, how you look at it... needed an interior so it couldnt be better timing.Thanks for sharing 👍


Awesome, thanks Ian




Hi, I don’t know if I understood correctly but did you try to just select the faces of the lens in edit mode and apply a glass material on them?


These are great! Thanks Ian.


pretty cool stuff


I wanted to say that your videos have given me a lot of inspiration, and your assets really expedite the process of making whatever comes to my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ec0wOIYjMM&ab_channel=MonneyMan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Tte1pr4bc&ab_channel=MonneyMan I'm not sure if sharing links like this is allowed, I was just hoping you might look at what i made.