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HI everyone!

It'll be a short weekly roundup this week but I have a few progress screenshots to show off, so let's get into it.

1: What's New?

All of this week was spent in Photoshop working on the shading and rendering of all the Roxy art assets. Going layer by layer and adding shading, coloring in the lineart and adding some effects.

Which I can say is pretty much 90% done. I've shaded and given some polish to every current asset. 

All I need to do now is both neatly sort out the layers and add effects in as well. Need to make assets like fluids, laser beams, etc.

Here's a little mini gallery of different layers arranged in photoshop.

Quite a nice collection of things happening to Roxy. :D

2: What's Next?

Next week is gonna consist of 1-2 days finalizing the photoshop file and then creating the animation set Unity Project.

At which point it'll be a few days of importing and readying the assets for their animations!

I hope you like the way Roxy is looking. :D

- Caroo




God I love it, hope to see her cock and balls being tickled in full epic animation :)