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Which delivery works better?:

version 1: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/If9JUNhzM2Q

version 2: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IvVx2Qx7ZP4

version 3: "neither of them work because I fundamentally disagree with the premise"



if i have to choose, i think 2 is a lot more intuitive and resonant, and that the dialogue is much better. they’re both great, as usual. maybe you should try blending them together a little.


The line the silent generation says in version two is great, and makes it really clear what the analogy is. Version 1 is better as a concept, because it really shows the way the steps are reasonable enough between the generations. However the slow fades between the generations names from version 2 is between at joining the time period together, when I watched version 1 the first time, I couldn't read what the generations were until a couple had slipped by already


Also, the continuous shot of version 2 is better looking, though I don't know if the shorts format would make it too difficult to do that with version 1's lines. Maybe a cut after the silent generation would make sense, and then another cut just before gen z (so you can get that sweet sweet perfect loop with the greatest generation)


I like the continuous dialogue of version 2 but I like the lines from version 1 better


Version 1 works better. I will not elaborate.


I agree with Lumina. Version 1 is the best one.


I "got" the joke on version 2 better (my first language not English might factor into that somehow)


I like version 2, it has more a rhythm? Nice stove by the way.


Version 2 is better my tiny mind can’t comprehend version 1