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Hey guys!

Happy new year! Some of you may have seen that I'm taking a slight step back from socials at the moment - but don't worry! It's so I can spend a bit more time in 'the real world' and focus on the media, rather than the social. But have no fear, I'll be back soon.

In the meantime, here's a VERY blurry Lars video for you. I'm still in half minds about publishing it, as I fumble a lot of my thoughts, but do let me know what you think, and thank you all for your continuing support.

Oh, and there are some items in the video sent to me by some patrons! Thank you so, so much! 


ASMR Reiki With Lars - Gender, World of Warcraft, and Nonbinary Support

#asmr #nonbinary Extra filtered – for your eye’s pleasure (because I was dramatically unhappy with my look). Here’s Lars to perform some friendly ASMR reiki, a quick catch-up, help you relax, and to have a frank conversation about his relationship with gender. Some of the views expressed in this video you might not agree with, but please take it in the spirit that it is meant – that of support. Because you’re never alone. And that’s just the bit about World of Warcraft! 📣 Join my discord server! discord.com/invite/Skv6C2G 💰 Like my content? Gimme a dollar! patreon.com/Jim_ASMR 🐦 Watch me curse - follow me on Twitter! @asmr_jim 🐱 Why not see some pictures of my cats on Insta? Gaijimbo Disclaimer: This video is intended for relaxation. Any views, opinions, or advice expressed is purely for the purpose of entertainment, and to induce tingles through ASMR. These videos are not a substitute for traditional medicine, therapy, or any other professional medium, and should not be treated as such! Take all the advice with a pinch of salt, and certainly don’t take it to heart. That being said, please enjoy them, benefit from them, and hopefully get those warm, tingly feelings. Oh, and it’s not for kids.



Good to hear from you! Hope you're doing okay ❤️


Take your time and take care of yourself. Wishing you nothing but good in 2021🖤


Very happy to hear you're doing alright, and thank you for this video, we could always use more Lars!


i hope i speak for all of us when i say i’m genuinely proud of you for recognizing that you needed a break and taking that time- it’s so important to look after yourself, and i’m really glad you are. personally i think there’s always space for this kind of content to be published- the subject matter is deeply and necessarily comforting. but only as long as you feel completely comfortable sharing this with a wider audience.


Glad you're taking some time for yourself. Taking a break and general self-care is important. Love the video. It means a lot to this non-binary person. Thank you for sharing it. I always seem to be on the side of "publish it", but what do I know? 😉


My heart is so full right now. I needed Lars' gentleness. Smooches back to you, love. Thank you for your sweetness and kindness, thank you for your thoughtfulness, and thank you for being you. This is absolutely perfect, and more people should see this beauty of a person and a video. I vote that you release it. It really is perfect, as are you. (Not a thirst comment, a truthful comment, straight from an innocent heart). 😘😘😘💗💗💗


I'm so happy that your taking your time off social media, hope it feels amazing as it has it felt to me when I have done it, take the time you need, this sounds cliché but it's the truth get rid of stuff that your mind doesn't need, I don't want to awful stuff affect you Jim, I need you, we need you but as long as you put yourself first and your close loved and the ones that you care first, I like you so much that knowing your doing something good for your health is enough for me to be less worried when it comes to 'Jim Chi's World' take care. 😊💚✨


The blurriness translates to a dreamy quality. Lots of tingles with the jewelry and lip smacking. And, of course, any chance for more Lars I'm in favor of. You've got a loyal and compassionate community so take care.


Lars is always welcome. The video itself is beautiful, but there’s also a lot in there that the world should hear. It’s the perfect mood for where we are right now. Quiet, calming, introspective, and reassuring. We need that. Take care of yourself.❤️


I haven't watched Lars yet SJ but I will as soon as I've posted this comment. Please accept this 🐻 🙄 I'm so happy to hear from you, and glad you're doing well. I hope you've had lots of lie-ins, played hours of video games and had much needed play time with the kitties. I'm always telling my friends selfcare is important so I think its great you're starting 2021 taking time to recharge your batteries. I'll undoubtedly be back to gush about Lars, so 'see you' in a bit😁 ❤ Fee


Someone should inform Lars my spouse that if anyone ever called him dumb to his face I would tank for him since he doesn't want to and also he may speak out loud to me whenever he would like and I would hang off his every word, but I'm keeping the dingoes when the cops come. Also, T_T


I've never seen Lars as beautiful as she is in this video. Lars makes me feel the most comfy and relaxed, even more than Dimi ever could! As much as I/we miss you, we are all happy that you stepped away. It's a bittersweet feeling but your health/mind/wife/cats/tangible friends are deeply important and we get it. I/we believe we see much of your feelings within your characters. From a not so friendly Astronomer, to a deep in thought/reflection New Years vid , to a caring viking that seems forgiving, to now the beloved Lars here to comfort our souls. Bottom line after all is said and done, we love you Jim! Speaking for myself, I have a strong phileo love towards you and the mods. Thank you for being kind.


This video really touched me deeply... I don't even know what more to say so I will quote Ralph Waldo Emerson "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" Thank you for being you and take care of yourself ❤️


So good to hear from you. You look great! Cute! Glad you’re enjoying your break. I’ve got something coming your way, just don’t know when. This was a lovely video. I needed it. You are a special person. *muah* *muah* 🖤🤗💙


I'd like more rant videos please. I enjoy a different perspective on issues.


I so glad you've been able to take some time for yourself instead of us for a change it's important! 😊 Also without gushing as impromptu as you think this video may seem nonetheless it has been a wonderful reminder of what the message the first video I watched of yours inadvertently gave me. Thank you 🤗


You look beautiful! I hope you're relaxing and feeling better. I LOVED the video! Publish it for sure! The content was superb. The blurry thing messed with my eyes a bit...but, I mean, I wear trifocals. 😆 Also left some thought in the comment section of the vid. xxx


This is brilliant, Jim! Please publish it! It holds a lot of wisdom and feels like an IRL conversation with a good friend. The part where you talk about people being paintings reminded me of the museum scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It was lovely to see Lars again, too! I love your rant videos.


Also, uh, you will get another grow-your-own forget-me-not flower kit in the mail, so I'm sorry about that. It seems another patron had the same idea. Oops. "Two great minds with but a single thought."


It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much. I'm so thankful for you. I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt me to see you hurt by people's words and actions. I love every single part of you, no matter how it's packaged. However, that red dress was... 🔥😉 I look forward to your return to social media but until then I'm never far from you, but you already know that. Much love to you, my sweet baby. 😘🤗


I have but one thing to say: ❤️


I adore this Video and yes please publish it! I'm glad you're taking some time of socials. Thank you and take care of yourself. 🤗


Just… going to leave a hug here.


I really like the black and white, slightly burry effect, reminiscent of a vintage camera, and would love to see more of it! Your message and voice were superb, and Lars really helped me to relax and re-center myself after a very stressful couple of weeks. Will be listening again at bedtime. All the best to you, and thank you!


I know I'm just another nameless, faceless patron, and my opinion does not matter to you and that's ok. But I think you are beautiful inside and out. When I watch your work all I see is a kind and generous soul, trying to help people. You give so much, and this nameless, faceless patron is beyond grateful. You don't know me,and you don't have to. I consider you a friend, and I love and support who you are. Thank you for being you. Post this video only if you feel comfortable doing so. You are in complete control.


Hi Jim don’t mind me crying over here in *non binary fashion*, thank you. Thank you Lars, thank you Jim, for seeing and validating and supporting.


Excuse me Jim for crying I have no idea why saying thank you for this doesn’t seam enough for me to say I support everything you are thank you for the comfort and the support you give to everyone I haven’t got the words to express how much this touched my heart publish this if you feel comfortable doing so it is a beautiful message so before I ramble on thank you for helping me relax the laughter I experienced while I watched this video and thank you for helping me release the tears I needed to ❤️


Jim, you have the sweetest soul. Definitely publish this one , the message is so wonderful, and I think it will mean a lot to so many people❤️


❤️ You are truly beautiful , James


Jim you are beautiful inside and out. Your heart is beautiful, your soul is beautiful, you're so caring and to me you are perfect just the way you are. Please publish this. There are people who need to hear what you have to say, need to hear what you have to say. You help out so many people, and many people care and love you in return. Thank you for all you do for us!


awww, that was so kool, a heart to heart with Lars, I love when things get real and truthful and beautiful and I hope you can feel okay to post, I love all the positive affirmations and the deep down call to one's self that it's okay to be you, it's epic when you share that one little piece of you that shines sooo bright and I'm glad you are taking care of yourself, we all matter in ways I hope everyone realizes someday, oh, you know some awesome people, those gifts are next level! Blessings to all! <3


💖 Always love to see Lars (who is gorgeous, and NOT dumb)! And I think this would help a lot of folx right now -- *especially* over here, where the political climate is exceeding previous standards of imbecility. 🤦🏾‍♀️


just to echo everyone else- this is beautiful and communicates something that is dearly needed.


Ok I’m done happy crying and I’d like to leave my feedback: yes please (if you are comfortable with it) publish this is video, I think a great number of people would adore and even happy cry a video covering topics such as these. I can say as someone who seeks out gender-validation ASMR content that this would be a delight for someone to find, and maybe walk away calm and with peace of mind <3


This was absolutely beautiful. I find that it makes me think of a quote from e.e.cummings: "it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are". I'm very glad you are YOU. Don't ever let anyone (including yourself) try to tell you who you "should" be. And if you don't mind me saying it....I absolutely luv ya to the moon and back. 💜 Thank you for sharing.


Every time I see something new from you, I think *THIS*- THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE. But for real this time- This One Is My Favorite. Lars is absolutely gorgeous inside and out. I loved the conversation and found myself tearing up, laughing, nodding my head, and getting tingly (again with the jingly jangly bracelets 😉 ❤️) I think there are plenty of folks who need to hear your words, so yes, share if you feel like it’s the right thing to do.❤️( *whispers* your nails look lovely, Lars) XO!


Wow. It's difficult to put into words how amazing this is. You have such a unique way of conveying a message with emotion, heart and honesty. I love Lars and their "I am who I am and if you don't like it then fuck you" attitude. I'd give them a hug if I could. You do you Jim...😉🤗🍻


I don’t know how to put words to my reaction to this, but this was powerful. I think if you release it, it could do a lot of good. Thank you for sharing it with us.


This video is truly amazing !


It’s honest..it’s ..and the sentiments are something everyone needs to hear. Definitely release it


It’s almost nostalgic to see Lars. Definitely go ahead and publish it


can we all appreciate how lars gives us sudden kisses and boops our noses. the world doesn't deserve him


Omg Lars 😭😭 love him. And low key cringe when you didn’t trim the wick before lighting the candle. Rebel Lars has no time for a small flame I suppose 🤘


Darlin, this was kind, timely, helpful and wonderful. Thanks, Jim. You look radiant


The "out of focus" looks like an intentional atmospheric choice. Fabulous! I agree with others, you should absolutely post this.


Gorgeous! Thank you for this, as always!


Honestly Jim, this was so beautiful and if you're on the fence about posting it, I say do it. I feel like ALL your youtube followers would benefit from this. I loved the soft blur effect you had. It made everything feel very warm and comforting. Well done. 10/10


Jim. Of all the beautiful things you’ve created, this is absolutely one of the most beautiful. 💜


SJ, this is the most beautiful, honest passionate and vulnerable you have ever been with us . I was happy, sad angry ( at the haters, not you) and devastated all in one video. To have you explain what it’s like to be in your skin was such an incredible poignant insight into you as a human being You don’t have to publish it if you don’t feel comfortable showing this part of your authentic self to the rest of the world , just know we love and respect you for you. I just realised you’ve taken the video down, I hope nothing has happened to make you doubt we would accept you Jim, sometimes no matter what people tell us we can’t truly believe it. We can all sympathise here in the Palace, everyone is insecure and anxious but we all love and support each other. Please know this extends to you too, ❤️🤗


Im really glad you published this. One of your best videos. Lars is beloved and so are you.


Amazing feels. .... very touching .. if your rants are this ... ugh I can’t even think of the word I need ... deep loving caring special. .. you keep on ranting. 😉 .. thanks for sharing .. enjoy your 🍻


I'm SO glad you shared this! Because it is absolutely, hands down, one of the most heartfelt videos I've ever seen. Love your insight and perspective.. Hope you enjoyed your British beer on the veranda!


Oh, this was just what I needed this week. Very soothing and calming and just feels like home with a good friend. Thank you 💜 so glad you're taking more time for you, it's so important!


Thank you thank you. I am genderqueer and open my heart to every possible affirmation that this is not just valid but glorious and divine. Your presence alone is that affirmation, but this video is so so precious, soaking up every word! And hope you receive your own wisdom and love in return!


This was a clever way to show and acknowledge some of the 🎁 🥰 I loved it!