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Hello! For my Star Wars series I decided, rather than spending too much money on an average set of mando armour, I would make an average set myself!

This will be episode V, so there's a few more to go before it's out. I'm filming episode IV hopefully today (Jedi Knight), and have already filmed an assassin droid (III) and a Twi'lek (II) pilot.

Once they're all filmed, which might be after the release of the Twi'lek (pic attached) on Saturday, I'll release them all on here for you guys to enjoy before anybody else, as it'll take another month for them to all be released naturally. I'm really happy with how they've turned out, and I'm also quite happy with how the narrative plays out, so I hope you guys like it too!

Thank you all for your continued support, even though I've been quite on social. Got a few treats this week along with Star Wars, including a well-overdue medical exam tonight! And I just finished filming 'The Boys' ASMR, Billy Butcher Beats the Bollocks out of you. Just waiting to see if the sponsor is willing to go with that concept, lol.





Billy the Butcher tries CBD oil ☀️ can’t wait for all these Jim, you’ve been working your hiney off!! Hope you’re taking care of yourself too!! ❤️☀️☀️☀️


Thanks so much for thinking of us. Hope you're both well and taking advantage of this well deserved break...at least from the social media. 🥰


Your crafting level is fantastic, and look at this Twi'lek, gosh!😍😍😍


Oh Jim 💚. My Star Wars heart is exploding with joy. 😁 Thank you.


I feel like I'm being spoiled with everything coming up. 😍 Amazing job on the mando armor. It looks perfect from here. Hope you're doing well and taking care!


Looks amazing! So excited! 🥰


What a busy bee you've been! Honestly, everything you've made is probably so much better than you could have found online! 🤗😘🤗


You have so much skill. Looking forward to everything. 😊


I enjoy seeing the ‘“making of”. This Star Wars series is going to be great! Looking forward to it all. You are the best! 🖤😍🤍


Thank you for the sneak peak and update! I look forward to the Star Wars series with great anticipation. Your talent and dedication are impressive, and reflected in your top quality videos. May love, peace and joy be yours in the coming year!


Im glad you're pleased with how your work has turned out!


THANK YOOOOO for the step-by-step construction walkthrough!! You are SLAYING these SW looks!!


Hoo-RAAAY NARRATIVE also the cranky armor next to the delicate sake and tea cups is absolutely sending me. Thanks!!


Wow, wow, wow! This all looks incredible. Costuming skills off the charts 🤯


Hummm Vodka ! 😋 Sorry, that's the first thing I noticed 😂 The way you turned a yoga mat into an armor is just so impressive ! 👏👏👏 Really good job !


This speaks so much to my Star Wars heart and I am so thrilled to see these behind the scenes pics. Amazing work!


Looks great, can't wait for the Star Wars series! Also love The Boys and Billy so excited for that too! 😁

Joanna L Perkins

I can't wait to see! I prefer sintra for my armor but a Mando is a Mando to me. Oya ner'vod!


BILLY BUTCHER OH NO MY HEART *clutches chest in dramatic fashion*


Yooooooo! n0n This is the way!!


thank you for sharing your creative process with us, Jim- it always blows my mind! time and energy allowing, would you ever consider sharing your process of how you make your props/armour, even just talking about how you get your ideas? its so well made and clearly such a passion project- I would love to know, and I know the rest of us would too.


I cannot WAIT for the rest of this series! you're really out here giving us what disney can't. also - unsure if you've considered this before, but if you ever made a video going into your prop making processes (especially the armor/prosthetics you've been doing as of late), I think a lot of us would love to see that!


Now isn't this positively freaking awesome. That's a statement, not a question. 😁😁😁 Epically nicely done, Jim. ("Let me have a warrior's death"... sigh...) 💗💗💗


I am personally not a starwars fan but I can't wait for Billy Butcher to make an appearance! The accent you used in the trooper video reminded me a lot of him. So I was already hoping to see Billy on your channel in the future!


This is the way


“Star Wars, Give me those Star Wars! Nothing but Star Wars!” I love seeing all the behind the scenes costume creation. I love it! When Star Wars land opened at Disneyland, I spent the entire summer coming up with SW bounds once a week. You beat me to a Twi’lek, though. I’ve still yet to manage a “bound” version (full costumes not allowed at Disneyland). It looks amazing! I cannot wait to really see it!


These are great!!! Love seeing the building process, thanks for sharing 😄


Woo very cool! Plus SO EXCITED to hear of your sponsorship! GO YOU!!! 🥰😍🤩


I am reallllllllllllly digging that Twi'lek look!!! Jim, have you ever considered doing Cameo videos? I bet there are lots of us who would l-o-v-e to have a little video from you. ❤️


Spectacular job! Can't wait to see these!


a YOGA MAT. dang that's neat.


Wow! I love the Mandolorian and this cosplay is legit! Your Twi' lek is epic, thank you for the sneak peek, this storyline is the bomb! 💣💖💖💖