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Howdy all you lovely, loyal patrons!

So I've mentioned here and there that we were working towards get a KickStarter up and running this summer to fund a concentrated effort to get Book One done. After reviewing our present efforts, our the immediate futures and other factors it's become clear that just ain't gonna work.

We're going to ease off the throttle, but we're still moving forward. Adam has begun streaming his production art as he gets the new visual language down. I'm revising the script for the final (I swear to Jekt and Maerlyn on high) time. 

You all will be reaping the fruits of those labors. You will be seeing script segments as they're locked in. You will be seeing the finished pages. And your contributions will help us continue our inexorable march towards victory.

I'd forewarn y'all that this will be slow going but...most of you have been here from the start. You know we haven't exactly been swift. But we are committed, and we're aiming to show you that good stuff this summer and throughout the year.

Thank you again for your support and for sticking with us. It means the world to us.




Here for the long run! :D