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EDIT: Minor shadow correction




If this does work, I can't claim "I called it", as others called this solution first and I made my guess more complicated. But if it turns out they do need to put Nanase in the scale first, and finish off with Sarah, then!

Stephen Gilberg

And she'll be instantly right-sized and naked. Here I was thinking that the blocks aren't all the same weight, so it's a question of which to put where.


Taking bets that the handkerchief will be too much weight and Sarah being very cross about it.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Oh! That's why it took their shoes, as a shoe would probably be comparable to Sarah in weight...

James C

Double twist: This doesn't work, and the actual solution involves Sarah and the largest block on the "heavy" platform, with Nanase and the rest of the blocks in the "light" platform


That's a nice pose on Nanase in the first panel


The depressing thing is Dan's right. I just went to the pantry to claim my cookies and there aren't any! I knew I should have done the baking yesterday.


I secretly hope the treasure at the end is a scroll that reads "the power of friendship" or something, no idea how that'd tie into Diane's evil quest for evil business, but it seems appropriate given the nature of these dungeon puzzles.


I'm glad you think that given what's really being tested by this puzzle (and it ain't smarts)


Either testing their ability to function while transformed/affected by odd magical spells, or checking for a LACK of magical resistance. In the first case, it wants to be sure they are elite warriors from Lord Such-and-Such’s magical army, in the second it wants them to be anyone BUT that.


I may be wrong Lucario, but I believe it is themed on trust.

Some Ed

I still have one! Om nom nom, um, wait a moment, what was I saying?


You're going to have to toss meh!