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That's not a bad look for Sarah, really.




Ah, don't we all Sarah.


Long haired Sarah is always a good Sarah.


Of course, if the hair were long enough she wouldn't need the towel/handkerchief. :-)


Wow. So many guesses about how working on the puzzle would affect them, and it looks like nothing's happening. Interesting.

Silver Fenn Xara

there's not really ever a bad look for Sarah, is there?

David Fenger

Sarongs look good on most women, really.

Matt R

I know the feeling of missing pieces for a puzzle. That has happened to me before


Sarah has to get into the right side of the scale herself, doesn't she?


Sarah's gonna be the weight or better yet nanase might fall on the scale


Poor Sarah, demoted from sidekick to puzzle piece... :)


Yeah, there really haven’t been many Lady Godivas posted here. I’m a little surprised tbh, that seems right up Dan’s alley.


My guess is that Nanase is the actual heaviest weight, and Sarah is the lightest weight; that is, they are both pieces of the puzzle. If Nanase was not embiggened, then Sarah's new weight was set to make the puzzle solvable. ^_^


Ooh, if it was magically balanced, then that might result in hijinks: the handkerchief might not fit inside the tolerance...or maybe it will and there will be some other hijinks instead.

Joe Blue

still hoping to see Nanase be the small one |D

Stephen Gilberg

There was a drawing of the eight main characters as ladies at the beach. Zapped Elliot (not Ellen) used hair instead of a swimsuit.


Let's hope she isn't too heavy with that handkerchief on or not.


Time for Sarah to, literally, jump in and balance the scales.

James C

I think the "hijinks" will ensue when Sarah realises that that handkerchief won't grow with her. Also, possibly Nanase not getting her shorts back and complaining about the skirt.


I had the exact same thought about the handkerchief being just a little bit too heavy, heh. I could see her getting on, realizing it was due to the handkerchief, and then getting annoyed.


Other semi-obvious hijinks ideas: Sarah growing in the middle of the scale, which would make a great pin-up, actually (kicked back, sitting in the scale, using one of the weights for modesty, like the old 1950s pin ups of girls sitting in martini glasses or whatnot)


Other hijink idea being that "some dungeons steal Shoes" was foreshadowing, and the dungeon stole Sarah's clothes while she was distracted? Or... maybe the dungeon is sentient, and heard her say she was going to give it a bad review, so it stole them in retaliation? There's also the danger of thinking "I wish X" in a magically dense area, heh.