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I am so good at writing drama you guys.

EDIT - Adjusted the inking on Grace, which is the "fix" version in the attachments. The original is still there if you want it for whatever reason.




Nice use of Sad Upside Down Couch Dangling.


Grace's life is full of so much tragedy I hope she gets a break soon.


Outside outside


Bravo for asymmetric leg dangling, but points off for symmetric arm dangling. ;)


Yep, she's channeling her inner Eeyore.


Shoot, I hope I never unsubscribe from Game Grumps, Markiplier or Jacksepticeye


Whenever a channel of entertainment goes away, there's this tiny portion of me, that is glad that I have more time for other things now.


I was never all that entertained by Markiplier or Jacksepticeye. Game Grumps has a strong dynamic, but their bad or boring moments can be a real drag. I usually just watch the compilations with them.


yeah gamegrumps's let's play really aren't that good all the time, it's really only occasionally that they're funny. But stuff like Power Hour and their old ads (crunchyrolls, audible,...) are simply amazing.


I have sat in that position before. That or lying on my back on a footrest, leaning to look at the upside down tv screen while playing video games. I am uncertain when that went from completely comfortable to disturbing to think about. Two ruptured discs and the surgery for them were most likely the primary factor.


So, if you don't mind any feedback on the artwork, I notice something which is a super common mistake with Grace's breasts. The position she is sitting in changes how her breasts would lay, since she is effectively "upside down" as far as fluid dynamics go. So, she would actually not have a crease along the "bottom" of her breasts, and would have a steeper than usual incline along the top as a result of gravity pulling her breasts down towards her head. (Obviously, the breasts would not fold in the opposite direction, but it would basically make them look steeper, rounder, and would pull the shirt tight) That said, I don't know how that might end up looking in your style and if maybe it just looked wrong and so you went with this because it suited the style better. Just trying to give some hopefully helpful feedback on something I notice is easily missed.


Thank you for the feedback, though I am aware. I made an effort to take that into account, but evidently not enough of one.