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I'm going to consider this milestone option I mentioned for the future. I love the idea, but as some have pointed out, it could potentially be more of a burden on my schedule than less of one. It's an idea I'll hang on to for later.

What I'm thinking I want to do now is this:

Three Dan's Choices, at least two of which have polls for $5+ Patrons. At a minimum, these must be color images of at least one character (so no still lifes, darn it!).

The idea is this: What I have time for each month is often variable, especially with the need to catch up. This approach means the images can be as simple or complex as I feel up to. 

For example, if I felt all three need to be a single character image because of some family obligation eating up a lot of time or something, that's doable.

Or, if I was feeling wired for some reason and wanted to do three full page comics, that would be an option, too.

Or I could have more before/after, a three character image, that gradual sequence idea for one of them if I had something in mind, etc.

The intent is flexibility, better control of my work load, and making sure there's still stuff to vote on and fun color images every month.

Sidenote: I still want to have EGS:NP variants at times, but I've decided I don't want to link them to milestones, because it will naturally vary a LOT if/when I'll have opportunities / time to have EGS:NP variants. Those are just going to be a thing that happens when the stars align that'll happen so long as EGS:NP is a thing.



Why not randomly choose one of the ideas above, or some other neat thing that you have energy and a yearning to try for each milestone? Full flexibility for you, and a wonderful creative surprise for us each time.