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EDIT - Fixed a typo >_<

EDIT 2 - Adjusted how Grace looks in the second variant. The original is still attached, and the fixed version is the last attachment with "fix" at the end of the name.

Of the three scenarios below, and taking into account that Sarah is presumably just arriving...

1 - This could be easily be canon so long as Mr. Verres was away on business, but someone presumably let Sarah in? If that someone was Tedd, this could make sense.

2 - This is MUCH less likely, as it still implies Tedd let her in, and she took off more than her shoes.

Of course, if Sarah got her own key at some point, that changes... Well, one thing.

3 - If you can buy both of the first two scenarios, I guess this one is equally plausible.

This was done, in part, to see how easy it would be to do, and to do some experimental experiments with shadows and layering (which worked out fine).

Undies might seem indulgent, and you'd be correct! At the same time, I wanted to experiment with varying clothing, which means the closer to skin tight (or nothing at all) as the bottom layer, the better for making multiple versions.

Even if every version I intended to have involved thick clothing, there'd probably be a layer with little to no clothing (if just for a base, however, there'd be no detail beyond what would be necessary, so don't get TOO excited).

I considered this a good comic to test this with as, contextually, it's not suggestive on its own, and it's two characters with a mix of zoomed out and zoomed in shots. It gave me a really good impression of how difficult these will be to do.

The answer is this: "Not difficult, but easily makes it take a little longer, so mostly save for when there's a good / fun opportunity for alternate forms / clothing".




... While this mostly feels silly, I do like it quite a bit. It also counts as shipping fuel, so I count that as a plus and a half.


There's a typo in Grace's second line of panel 2: "outside" is repeated twice. Cute, nonetheless! :)

Matt R

These are nice

Mark Williams

I choose senario 3. The change in magic made it so humans wandering about in underwear is just a thing that happens now and no one knotices this.

Jared Fattmann

Nobody else is gonna headcanon the last one as "oh, they're just living together now. That's a thing that happened."?


What's funny is that, while this exact scenario wouldn't be canon, the change in magic could be at the core of it in a canon scenario. I'm plotting to establish that the default behavior of magic has become to change what a person considers their "underwear" with them (this does not mean all magic has to behave this way, just it would have to specifically NOT behave this way). As such, if planning to do transformation stuff, which the exception of Sarah's hairband, what's she's wearing would change with her. She's perfectly prepared for all manner of zappery.


A comment from an... artistic constructive criticism viewpoint? I guess? Things sag in gravity. When someone is lying down, things that would sag down tend to ... spread and flatten. When someone's partially upside down, they kind of sag 'upwards'. Especially as things meant to prevent sagging are generally designed to really only work against one direction of sag &gt;.&gt; Admittedly on teenagers it's less pronounced but it should still be somewhat visible...


it is canon that they've seen each other naked, we could say that Tedd is away as is Edward and Sarah's staying over to keep Grace company.


Aww, so fewer guys in panties and girls in boxers going forward? Edit: Just realized that this only means fewer /magically induced/ people in the wrong underwear. Ashley deciding she wants to see Elliot in something lacy is still perfectly possible. Carry on.


Yeah, I was coming here to post the same thing. I didn’t see it in the original, but once I saw the first alternate, the boobs were distracting for all the wrong reasons. Sarah is cute, as always, but Grace doesn’t work from that angle.


I agree. I look forward to more random underwear variants in the future. :)


Actually, no. They would just fit relatively as well as they did before.


I actually did attempt to account for that. I suppose I didn't do it enough.


She is pretty young and it's not like Grace is smuggling some sort of sport balls in her sweaters (normally), so it's not awful, I think you just might want to work on it some more if you want more 'realism' in your drawings. I was just trying to give some constructive criticism is all.


Specifically, I put a line in there while inking that I really shouldn't have, though that issue would still be there with the bra version.


Aww. I actually liked the "realism" of poorly fitting clothing post transformation. :(


It's very specifically underwear as a default. The rest would only change with them if the spell specifically calls for it. Also, a spell could specifically not affect any clothing. Underwear fitting is just "if nothing is specifically set regarding it, it adjusts to fit new forms"


Okay, thoughts. 1: I could see Grace doing this, although nudists typically toss an extra long/large t-shirt on instead of bra and panties. (Bras are uncomfortable at the best of time, or so I hear.) Sarah not freaking out is interesting character development from when Grace and Ellen caused a panic attack during MV5 experimenting, but then again Sarah was completely unbothered by a topfree Grace by the end of that arc, so... 2: The return of Casual Sarah, of a sort. While I think I'm the only one who likes that character pseudo-development line, I am reminded of a quip from the original: "and on one particular occasion that Tedd has yet to make sense of, she arrived at his house [without any clothing], and never acknowledged the situation." Of course, when I thought "without clothes" I had always presumed underclothing was included in that... ;) Maybe this is still early, or somesuch. 3: The combination of the two, of course. Would Grace even recognize anything was wrong with Sarah if she went "Casual Sarah?" The world may never know. Maybe in retrospect. Tedd gets freaked out, mentions it to Grace, "Oh, yeah, that is odd isn't it?"


<a href="https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObviousRulePatch" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObviousRulePatch</a> I donno... I kinda think it's a very odd thing for magic to specifically create a loophole for. (Edit: I could see Tedd having a breakthrough about "extending the morphic field... kinda..." on his magitech, though. Still not a huge fan of the idea, but... meh?) Edit: Morphic thingy expansion could have additional side effects, which could be amusing. Pros: Leaves your underwear safe. Cons: Doesn't always work, harder to use, and "partially effects" the rest of your clothing -- i.e., shreds it.

David Fenger

"The clothing resizing ray is still having some issues, is it?" "Yep. At least Tedd got the underwear exclusion working."


Consider these options: Austin Powers style coverup and selective angles because I can't actually show what's happening, or I can show everything without any issue whatsoever with the potential for alternative versions to be posted elsewhere if I'm ever comfortable with it.

Drew "Ununnilium" Perron

Honestly, Sarah having her own key and being that comfortable in the lab sounds like a lovely and sweet bit of character development.


Not only do I like the "Casual Sarah" character development, I like to imagine that it will eventually actually happen in the main universe (whether or not it's ever acknowledged in the comic).


Patreon is the true Sara in a bikini fund!


But honestly this is how me and my friends are. Honestly I hope you keep on with this idea. Normalise casual nudity!

Stephen Gilberg

It's a sign of my maturation that I don't find any of these sexy.


I kinda get it yeah, but, at the same time... it just feels like a wink and a nod at the reader? I don't know. I don't ascribe to the "I hate purity pigeon" camp but I could understand them and feels seems similar? There's a lot of ways to handle censoring panels for the main site... There's the Austin powers method, there's an in-universe reasoning as to why underwear survives... There's also the barbie doll method (just don't draw the naughty bits), the anime method (random lens flairs / clouds, poses), and even alternate panels and strips for the main page (extra work, though). One comic I read just puts up a "page" warning that the next page will have nudity, one newspaper comic infamously had frollicing kittens replace panels that his publisher censored, which was a warning to the reader to go read the actual comic on the guy's facebook or website or what have you. Kinda wish we had a Patreon Discord so everyone could chat about the comic / pinups / share content / etc, heh. There's a manga I really think can illustrate what I'm talking about, and I think you might like it. <a href="https://mangadex.org/title/14933/osananajimi-wa-onnanoko-ni-naare" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mangadex.org/title/14933/osananajimi-wa-onnanoko-ni-naare</a>


Wouldn't be the first wink and a nod! But there's actually more to it than that. There's actually story logic behind why that's happening, and it hints at other potential side effects of magic's "not change", and opens up the discussion of why it's happening. It's similar to what's happening with Grace, but it's different in that the stuff with Grace has a rather obvious and less subtle explanation having to do with Uryuoms. The discussion opened up by the change to underwear, as silly as that might seem, is a far larger discussion with significant implications for the story that will come into play going forward. It's basically a relatively innocent introduction to a truckload of unforeseen consequences and further evaluation of magic, how it "thinks", and why it means they're in for even more complications than they'd anticipated.

A Red Mage Named Blue

I'm assuming that they're performing some transformation experiments, and they're waiting around for Tedd to finish preparing something.


Hm, well, we'll just have to see. I hadn't thought about Grace's recent clothing change. I'm glad it's part of a larger plan and not just, er, freaking out because of the Patreon Mature Flag scare. Fanservice is fun (sometimes), we need more happy things like it in the world, not less. :)


Eh, it would make a pretty dark storyline, if say, Sarah accidentally set herself up in such a situation (slowly losing her nudity taboo). Like, if she made a wish with some new magic stuff and really, really shouldn't have. Would also drive home the "new magic is dangerous in weird ways" vibe, too. But I actually just see it as a more healthy endpoint to someone who is playing with transformation tech all the time. :P