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There'll be a decently long commentary once this is up on the main site explaining what took me so long with this one. Mostly indecision and tiredness. You can mostly boil it down to that, but I ELABORATE!

Something I forgot to mention in that commentary was that I as SO TEMPTED to have Susan say "tooshie" instead of "touché" in the last panel.

I decided against it because I thought it might be more confusing than funny, and I can't help but think that would indicate an actual drop in intellect in that implies forgetting the right word altogether instead of simply being a case of modified inflection or phrasing.




Betcha rabbits get a butt & leg enhancement.


OMG Ashley's manic face in panel 3... So cute!


When isn't she cuter than she has any right to be.


Even as someone who likes Ashley's +1 changing, I'm glad you addressed that it's not everyone's thing. But yeah, having that for cow form makes perfect sense.


Can't tell if she's excited because she gets to KEEP TRANSFORMING or if it's because she likes big boobs. Or both. Both is good. :)


Susan is, like, spot on.


No, the spots are on Ashley... (Sorry, couldn't resist).