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Poll Description - Girl Tedd in long pigtails playing video games

Look, this is how girls play video games, alright?

When they're posing for a camera for the purposes of a pinup style image and may or may not actually be playing a video game while the photo is being taken while not necessarily meaning they don't play and enjoy video games in their free time, because gosh darn it, video games are for everyone, and the notion that women can't be into them is absurd and simply wrong. Seriously, I know more women who play video games than don't. What the flip. For reals.

Well, that, or they're Tedd, and this really is just how they play video games.

For whatever reason, the socks having a pattern was important to me. Possibly too much time was spent settling on a satisfactory pattern.




Twitch wants a bit more coverage but I've seen close to that from streamers...


This was my immediately reaction! "Oh, it's Tedd as a (<i>slightly</i> exaggerated) Twitch girl gamer."

Connie Edogawa

if the yellow stripe weren't there, and it were just the blue and pink repeating with white in-between like that, she'd be wearing socks patterned like the transgender flag, and I think that's neat.


I've seen a lot of female streamers that are very conservative. (And I remember one guy that wore a muscle shirt and was a heavy Gym visitor.)


I admit, I was kind of hoping that was the pattern. The picture still rocks though!

Stephen Gilberg

I'm not sure how to feel about this. On one hand, I like video games and have a weakness for women with this body type and outfit. OTOH, this doesn't look like a good time to be making out. She's too engrossed in the game.


Why would you even want to when you can watch the game and talk about it and junk?


I <i>like</i> the socks. :)


Gamer Grrl Tedd? Mega awesome!


When Elliot came over to play video games with Tedd, yet again her signals washed right over his head...

Robert Ragona

Ya know, going out on a limb here, but I'm starting to think Dan's got a sock fetish goin' on.


The yellow stripe reminds me of the pan flag. So she is wearing a cross between the trans and pan flags.


My gut reaction was "no I don't", but then I thought about how many more scenarios I'd rather footwear remain on no matter how much else wasn't there, and it's sorta difficult to argue against that. On the other hand, I also overthink things, so in some cases it might be less that and more "they're outside! They should have shoes on, darn it! Protect them feets!" "But they're not wearing anything else." "PROTECT THE FEETS!"

Frédéric B.

This is where flip-flops come in, protecting the soles while leaving most of the foot uncovered. Unfortunately, while sufficient for a summer walk in town, that wouldn't provide enough protection for more foot-hazardous environments, like forests.

Robert Ragona

Hoping I didn't step over a line there, I just wanted to poke a bit of fun at how often I notice the characters wearing socks and maybe didn't quite phrase it right. At least their feet are protected! I have, for lack of a better way to put it, "issues" with bare feet (really, really not easy to explain, all about outfit aesthetics and such. I tend to overthink things too.)