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You may vote for more than one, one will win. Poll will end 6am US Eastern Time on December 2nd

These are options from previous polls that people voted on, hence two Greg themed options? Greg's a popular man this month, but is he popular enough to... Not be a man? Or something.

Also, Mrs. Kitsune enters the fray with the potential for sonic youth! I mean, sudden youth, not... You know what I mean!

I intend for next month to be the three runners up from that previously mentioned vote, and I'll figure out what to do after that when we get there :)



I'm picturing MALE Greg in a Sailor Moon outfit and I can't stop laughing about it. :D


I was unexpectedly intrigued by the NP pages with de-aged Mrs. Kitsune. I'm hoping that one wins, so we get more of that. :)

Daryl Sawyer

I'm happy to see it's currently in the lead. I'd be almost as satisfied if Greg's "one winged angel" form is female.