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You know, when I said I would Classpect the She-Ra Characters, I didn't remember just how many main character this series had. But hey, I am committed to see this through. She-Ra is extremely good, and also, extremely gay. As you may imagine, this Essay contains Spoilers for All Seasons, so if you haven't watched the Series, first of all, continuing WILL Spoil you major character beats and plot points, and second- What are you doing? Go watch it, seriously, I don't think I have cried this much watching an animated series before.

Additionally, as a preamble- In case someone doesn't know what a Classpect is somehow even though I'd assume a vast majority of my followers are Homestuck, think of assigning Avatar Elements to your favorite characters, but at a much larger scale! Classes determine their Role and Arc, and the Aspect, the force of nature and part of Reality they are most bound to.

So let's just jump into it! These are just my headcanons and thoughts on the Characters and their Classpects, so don't think this is anything solid and definite! But I will provide my reasoning as to why I think they are these Classes and Aspects.

Adora - The Maid of Doom

And immediately a curve ball. I've talked with a lot of people about She-Ra and Classpects, and a lot seem to aim for Hope right out the bat. I can see that, considering the return of She-Ra marks a turning point in holding back the Horde, she becomes, in fact, a Beacon of Hope for the entirety of Etheria! But lord does she suffer for it. Adora fits the role of a Maid quite nicely- She-Ra is almost a Mythical Being, talked about in Legend, come back unexpectedly and capable of turning the tide against the Horde and Healing the damage they did. A Fairy, a Healer, she certainly fits the mold. Except, of course, not fitting the mold is exactly why she's such a Maid. Adora wants to help, but the responsibilities she has to shoulder are too many, and the suffering, too great. But she keeps doing it because she is the one CHOSEN for it! She is She-Ra. This leads to her internal turmoil being a major part of her character- What Must be Done, imposed on her, restricting her, versus what she would Like to Do, and of course, the Balance between the two- Of saving Etheria and its inhabitants, on her own terms. Hell- She even fits the Resurrection Motif. She-Ra awakening once more, the loss of her power before summoning She-Ra's power on her own, without the sword, in Season 5, healing Catra, and the moment in the finale when her mind clears up and the poison in her and Catra simply fades away? Not literal resurrection, but close enough for me.

As for Doom, Doom ties into the idea of being there for people who are suffering. Doom is commiseration and bearing the weight of the world, to keep going forward. Bad things happen in She-Ra, bad choices are made, but Adora is forgiving, and kind. She doesn't like seeing others suffer, and strives to help them. But there's more to it. Doom, as Limits, which could also play into her nature of a Maid- What must be done, what she would like to do. On top of that, First Ones are massively technologically advanced, and She-Ra is a creation of theirs. Doom's tie to Technology gives yet another meaning to the Maid of Doom- Made of Doom, She-Ra as a creation of the First Ones, and the key that could unleash the Heart of Etheria to ripple through the Universe. Truly, the moment leading up to the finale, when Catra asked her what she wanted to do, and Adora decided to put aside her feelings, and take the Failsafe within her, despite knowing the risks involved, despite knowing the likelyhood of dying in the process? Of course, there's the possibility of Adora being a Knight as well, as the 'facade' they put, standing strong for their friends even if they themselves are hurt in the process, could also work, but I feel the Maid fits her more thematically.

Catra - The Thief of Blood

And from a curveball, to the obvious. Yes, Catra is a Thief, her comparisons to Vriska have been brought up to hell and back. It really fits her to a T, however. A tendency to go Solo, cheating and manipulation to accomplish her goals, outlaw archetype, using those around her as stepping stones and driving them away- Catra, for most of the series, shows the absolute worst of a Thief, only to begin realizing her mistakes through the end of Season 4 and the entirety of 5. It takes her long to open up, and has major trust and abandonment issues, which feeds into that. The idea of her 'not being needed', the separation from the person she loves the most. Yeah, if it looks like a Thief and acts like a Thief...

But why Blood? Admittedly her Aspect wasn't as clear-cut at first. I considered various alternatives, and even after settling on Blood I am not that convinced. However, her issue with forming bonds and focus on her relationships with other, as well as her slow escalation to Lead the Horde putting her in a position of leadership, tipped the balance in the end. It even plays into the Thief's natural Lack of their Aspect- Shadoweaver being her and Adora's Parental Figure, Catra's fear of Adora preferring other people other than her when they were little, and the eventual leaving of Adora for the Rebellion. In the end, trust is built, love is accepted, and she even uses Shadow Weaver to reach Adora in time in the Finale, and it's only by showing Adora this bond with her that she had been so reluctant to admit, that Adora is capable of stopping the Heart. Truly, Love saves the Day, and Catra Did Nothing Wrong.

Glimmer - The Prince of Life

Glimmer as a Prince was something that I started to theorize during Season 4, when she starts to push her friends away more and more. A Royal, imposing herself on them, doing what she thinks is best for them even when she hurts them and drives them away... But it was Netossa in Season 5 that truly solidified it for me, when she mentioned Glimmer's biggest flaw to be her Crippling Self Doubt and Overwhelming Hubris, which is the textbook definition of a Prince, if you ask me. She holds herself to too high standards, and has doubts about her capacity of living up to her mother's rule- And yet at the same time, paradoxically, stubbornly clings to the idea of being the one in the right.

Life, in turn, reinforces her Prince-ly attitude even more. While a caring friend, at her worst she is one to impose her agency on others, and doesn't take kindly to being wronged. After Bow shows himself distant to her in Season 5, she attempts to heal the rift she caused between the two, little by little, and make up for her attitude. Added to her Jane-like looks, it truly made me focus on Life as an Aspect for her. And in combination, well. Her impulsive decision and inability to see that she was not the one in the right, triggered the Heart of Etheria, and nearly caused the entire world to break apart, effectively nearly Destroying all Life on the planet.

Queen Angella - The Muse of Space

As an Angelical Being and Queen of Brightmoon, commanding the Rebellion, Angella stands as probably one of the most pivotal figures in the entirety of Etheria. And yet, she stands back and issues her orders, Commands the rest, while she herself doesn't intervene directly in the Rebellion. This is something she admits to in the Season 3 Finale- Her cowardice, her self-blame, for not acting, letting the rest fight while she can't bring herself to Act. But in the end she does act, sacrificing herself so that the fabric fo Reality may heal, trapped between Dimensions, eternally isolated, or dead, in the process.

So I think a Muse of Space fits quite nicely doesn't it? A Martyr figure, haunted by inaction and self-blame, a commander of the Setting of the series, keeping the Rebellion in motion, someone whose actions ripple on a cosmic scale, an act of Sacrifice that allows the Foundation of the World they live in to continue, unharmed. And that's without even tying Space to Motherhood, and showcasing her as Glimmer's Concerned Mother, or to Isolation, and the result of her sacrifice, stuck between realms. Definitely a strong possibility.

King Micah - The Heir of Breath

A sorcerer of immense talent, a steadfast leader, a loving husband, and a caring father, Micah starts the series apparently already dead, until we find out he has been alive and well- Mostly- in Beast Island all along. From his playfulness and humor, to his position as a leader, to his absence from Glimmer's life after being captured, Breath seems like quite the fitting Aspect for him. This Malleability also ties into his role as a Heir- One trying to bring Change to Etheria through his Leadership of the Rebellion, but also, one at risk of being Changed himself, and Consumed by his Aspect.

From Shadow Weaver's plot to empower her Magic to fight the Horde, going along with her ploy, as Breathbounds do, to his capture by the Horde, removing him from his family's life and from his position of leadership, Micah has definitely been one at risk of being 'Consumed' by his Aspect quite a few times.

Castaspella - The Seer of Blood

This one was, admittedly, quite difficult- Castaspella didn't particularly strike any obvious classes or Aspects, but in the end, she is still the Smothering Aunt, and misses her Brother. While not much, considering her core influence in the story comes from her familial bonds, and as the head of Mystacor, it feels appropriate enough for her to be a Bloodbound. As for the Seer, beyond a sorcerer's relationship to knowledge and magic spells, it was one of the few Classes that struck a Chord with her. Stubbornly clinging to her resentment from Micah's supposed death, having a contentious relationship with Angella, and always distrustful of Shadow Weaver, for good reason, she's difficult to convince about things she's made her mind about already, and with her aid to the rebellion and smothering Aunt attitude, she could be seen as someone who Guides the Rebellion and offers Advice to her Family.

Bow - The Knight of Heart

Bow is a very friendly guy. He's there for those he cares about, and often becomes the mediator and voice of reason when needed. Reliable, servicial, certainly fits the role of the Knight! And just like Knights, he doesn't mind suppressing himself if it means not hurting those he cares about, as seen when he changes his demeanor and lies to his fathers in an attempt to conceal the fact he is part of the rebellion, which he believes they will shun him for.

Despite growing up having his parents think what he wanted in life was completely different than his actual passion, he still strived to hone those skills, to grow up doing what he wanted to. A focus on his Self, serving his Parents a different Self to not worry them too much, a focus on mediating in the relationship between the people he cares about, and his literal Heart motif, make him seem like quite the Heart Player and Knight to boot! 

Sea Hawk - The Page of Hope

Sea Hawk loves a good adventure. A braggart, and a bit of a liar, he embellishes his stories often to build himself up to be a more capable and important person than he actually is. Alongside his 'charming' attitude, flirting with Mermista, whom he loves shamelessly, and his penchant to get into trouble with people from his past, the Page of Hope truly seems to suit him. A charming persona and adventurous exaggeration covering up his faults at connecting with others. A love for adventure, but an ease to get in trouble during said adventure, in ways he can't exactly slip out of easily. And yet, also some truly good intentions and heart, and inspirational potential with his energy and optimism. A solid himbo.

Swift Wind - The Knight of Rage

Wait... Swift Wind, the Knight of Rage? Sure, Knight works well enough- He's servicial and loyal to Adora, a companion in her travels. He makes himself out to be more reliable than he actually is, but he's also genuinely there to support what he cares about. But... Rage? Why yes! After thinking about it, Rage is simply the perfect Aspect for Swift Wind. He infuriates those around him by being annoying, and with his theatrics- Theatrics, which also tie into Rage's nature. He also believes in overthrowing unjust hierarchies. But most importantly- He's a talking Horse. He's a remnant of the old trope of the Talking Animal Companion many cartoons used to have, and often used as a Comic Relief. And if that is not Rage, I do not know what is.

Melog - The Rogue of Heart

You may think I'm Classpecting Melog as a Rogue of Heart just because they're a shape-shifting being that reflects emotions, and while that's a big part of the reason, there's actually more! Melog is the last remnant of a planet that was contested by Horde Prime and the First Ones. Horde Prime left the planet, unable to properly take advantage of it because of his lack of control over Magic. Melog is the last remnant of this first and seemingly only fuck-up of Horde Prime, making them a perfect candidate for an Outlaw. A magical creature from a world that stood up to Horde Prime and won. On top of that, Rogues and Stealth go hand in hand, making their invisibility skills fit the Rogue motif well enough, a Suppression of one's Presence may be read as Stealing one's Self, too. Finally though... I mean. Melog becomes Catra's animal companion, and shows her emotions more visibly than she allows herself to. In that way, being a Rogue to Catra's Thief is a very interesting compliment.

Perfuma - The Heir of Life

Perfuma as a Life Player is interesting, because, I mean, of course she's a Life Player, right? She literally controls plants! But no, beyond that, it's all about her beliefs and personality. She's a very caring woman, kind and promoter of non-violence and peace. As shown when Catra joined the team, she's quick to offer help working out psychological issues, which ties into a Life Player's nature as healers. Of course, she also isn't afraid to throw down when needed to punish wrongdoers, which in a way also could be read into her nature as a 'healer', gotta uproot those who are doing harm, after all, right?

As for the Heir, Perfuma has shown to be rather flexible and capable, quickly adapting to the idea of fighting and becoming a terrifyingly powerful combatant in the process with her powers, while sticking to her ideals. Her kindness and forgiveness and healer nature tie into the idea of trying to change others for the better. However, despite her flexibility and instigation of change, she doesn't have much in the way of being at risk of being 'Consumed'. One could consider that she becomes frustrated easily and starts to lose that nurturing attitude of hers on occasion, or that her too-caring and trusting nature put her in danger when dealing with a chipped Scorpia, but ultimately, I feel she's just a very healthy and control Heir.

Mermista - The Rogue of Void

Mermista was quite difficult to pin down honestly. The Rogue ended up working well for her, though- Isolation and distancing from others in stressful situations accounts for her cool-headed and "whatever" attitude, appearing a bit more detached than she may be inside, while the Rogue's 'Outlaw' Archetype, in a way, fits her almost 'aloof and rebellions teen' vibe. Not in a literal sense, but figuratively, she gives off those vibes for sure. The Witch was briefly considered, which would make Sea Hawk her Familiar, but in the end she just felt a bit more Roguey. 

As for Void, it was also quite hard to pin it down, and perhaps it's precisely because of the nature of Void itself. She's not quite secretive, but she definitely keeps to herself. I do believe this difficulty to pin down and read her is a hint at a Voidbound Nature, and on top of it, Void itself relates to the Water- Vast oceans and abysses, which in a way, accounts for a tie between her powers of Hydrokinesis, and the Aspect.

Entrapta - The Witch of Space

Let me preface this by saying that, the fact I am Jade Kin and Love Entrapta didn't influence this choice... Much. AHEM- Entrapta is a Witch through and through, though. Not only is she practical-minded, passionate about what she loves, and difficult to make her grasp things she doesn't have much interest with- She constantly has a Familiar of some sort with her, whether it be Emily, Mara's Ship or Wrong Hordak- And there's the matter of her Hair. The archetype of Witches and their relation to Magical Hair just makes her particular ability that much more fitting of this Class.

And Space... Isolation and abandonment, first of her reclusive nature, then of being left behind when the Princesses think she died, then sent off to Beast Island, and finally, nearly driving herself away from the rest of her group because of her fixation on technology. On top of that, Space as Creativity and Creation very much fits her hobbies and skillset, and her hyperfixation on advanced Technology, from both First Ones and Horde Prime, as well as Space Itself, make this pick fairly obvious for me.

Frosta - The Sylph of Breath

Frosta starts off a lot more detached than she becomes later. She appears to be a cold and hard queen that values rules and order above all else. However, as is later seen in the series, Frosta can be quite childish, blunt and cheery. Frosta wants to prove to the other Princesses that she is capable, despite her young age, that she's not just a tiny nuisance they have to deal with, but actually a member of their team, despite her attempts at winning them irking them to begin with, and being irked herself easily by Micah in the beginning.

Another quite difficult one to pin down, but I do believe the Sylph of Breath suits her well for this. Sylphs have rich internal worlds, and are more than seems on the surface to those that don't know them. Frosta is Driven, Headstrong, and honestly kind of Brutish at times. Her initial Detachment, as well as this Drive, and the desire to be a valuable member of the team, could be seen as Breath, and along with her appearing to be quite meddlesome and trying to get in the way to prove herself, could be read as a Sylph. However, I did consider Light- Relevancy, attention, to be a potential Aspect. Attention-seeking. Still, she's a bit of a hard read for me.

Spinnerella - The Heir of Heart

Another... Really difficult one, wow! Spinnerella particularly just didn't have that much screen time to speak of. The most she got was in Season 5, when she was Mind Controlled for most of it- Which is also a minor thing that made me lean a bit towards the Heir, too. Heart, well, she's Netossa's wife, and their romance is a major part of their arcs- Being there for each other, fighting together with the Rebellion, banter amidst the battle, being broken out of being chipped, and as such I considered this focus on Them, and their Relationship, to perhaps lean her more Heartbound, along with the idea of a Heir of Heart potentially having their Self erased- As the first one to be chipped from the Rebellion and leading to most of the rest being taken away. That aside, there's not that much linking her directly to the idea of the Heir, but then again, I simply couldn't think of any other Class she may fit.

Netossa - The Mage of Mind

Oh hey! Look at that! Maybe Spinnerella is a Maid! Heh. Netossa surprised me on Season 5 with her hyper-planning and analysis of everyone when she became one of the last Rebels left unchipped. Contingency plans for just about anyone, being a step ahead, alongside her frustration and ironic short-sightedness when it comes to trying and get Spinnerella back, she strikes me as a Mage of Mind. She got a chance to shine that Season, but aside from that, she shares a bit of a lack of Screen Time with Spinnerella, which makes her a bit harder to pin down. However, with Mage being opposite of Heir in both Verb and Active/Passive alignment, this assessment has the two of them as quite the tidy and complimentary couple.

Scorpia - The Knight of Blood

You know what doing these Headcanons is helping me realize? That there's quite a few potential Knights, a lot of Blood Players, and a lot of characters that share Classpect with a canon Homestuck character. So, Scorpia! Knight... She just fits the bill, really. She's helpful, tries to push her insecurities and issues down and be a reliable Force Captain... And Blood, like many in She-Ra, her main conflicts come from her bonds formed with others. Being a friendly Horde member, a Princess shunned by the others, trying to befriend Catra, seeing how Catra pushes her away, ending up joining the Rebellion herself, Blood just works.

In a way, too, as a Knight of Blood, it works well for her very powers- Powers she originally couldn't tap into, when she was being shunned, and then she finally managed to access after being accepted by good people in Bright Moon, a power from the Runestone that once belonged to her family, before being passed down to the Horde during their surrender, a pact so to say. Just, a lot of Blood symbolism in general, and drawing from this very Blood-coded source of power as a weapon after she had more confidence in who was her friend.

Huntara - The Thief of Doom

Whew, these really aren't coming easily. To begin with though, the Thief wasn't too hard to guess. She is an Outlaw, she isn't afraid of stepping on others to get what she wants, and leading good meaning people astray for her own gain. So Thievery seems like a solid guess for her. However, despite these traits, she shows herself somewhat empathetic and easier to win over than Thieves like, say, Catra. This likely comes from having fled the Horde, afraid of Hordak's methods. This intimidation makes her more aware of her limits- Along the place where she lives, the Crimson Wastes, and its own brand of brutality she has gotten used to, Doom seems like a pretty fine contender.

Double Trouble - The Mage of Rage

There were a few good choices for DT. Mage felt like a good Class, considering their drive to really understand others so that they may embody them, really getting a feel for all the ins and outs on them, and their own selfish values. As for Aspect though, I considered Light- The Spotlight, showmanship, but also some of the things Light fit for DT also overlapped with being a Mage. Heart, of course, and Mind, were considerations, given their focus on becoming others, impersonation...

But then there's Rage. Theatre, and Acting. Playing a role, and causing Chaos while doing so. A disregard of societal rules, and treating the world like a stage play. The more I thought about it, the more this chaotic enby seemed to fall into the Rage category. Also let's be fair, if DT is going to have a Classpect, one that rhymes and sounds so good like the Mage of Rage? Why, darling, they've gotta go for it.

Mara - The Heir of Doom

... Did I say there were a lot of Knights? Well how about Heirs? Seems to be quite a bunch as well! Mara is quite similar to Adora in a lot of ways, except for the fact she didn't grow on Etheria. Lied to by Light Hope about her purpose, about She-Ra, the Heart of Etheria... She shares a lot of thematic similarities. Sacrifice and suffering, First One's Tech, duty-bound. But there's also some differences that make me lean into a Heir. Change, one who Changed her views on what she was doing upon learning of its destructive consequences. On who Changed the Doom Etheria and the Universe would experience if the Heart of Etheria activated. One consumed by Doom, sacrificing herself, as she stranded Etheria in Despondos and sealed away the Heart. Rest in peace, Mara. We all here are Friends of You.

Madame Razz - The Seer of Time

No surprises here. Razz's entire thing is her Time Distortion, whatever rift the poor thing got caught into that makes her experience different Times near-simultaneously and flickering from one to the next. She's one who's able to See multiple Times at once, but at the same time, because of this, she becomes a Bridge between Time Periods- Letting Adora know about Mara, and Mara, about Adora, Guiding the two across Time. Truly a Prophet of Time, through and through.

Light Hope - The Maid of Mind

Light Hope is an interesting character to say the least, and ironically, neither Light, nor Hope in Aspect. As an artificial AI, she doesn't have much of a Heart, she acts rationally and doesn't quite seem to get human emotion, which led me to Classpect her as a Maid of Mind- Literally a rational AI. And yet she's more than that, isn't she? Growing beyond the scope of her programming and actually becoming friends with Mara, and her final action, going against her programming and allowing Adora to shatter the sword, and stop the Heart of Etheria from activating. The Maid of Mind, who Improved and Grew beyond the scope of the rational thinking she was taught to, and culminated in making a singular Choice, to follow not the First Ones, but Mara, and Adora's will.

Kyle - The Page of Light

Kyle is the Punching Bag of the Horde, and Comic Relief for a good chunk of his existence. Always put on the spot(light) and made to deal with things he's not prepared for, he tries his best despite the fact he is physically not capable of accomplishing what is expected of him. Aspect, I'm not sure I'm too happy about Light, but it felt fitting enough- Making Light of the situation, being the one of the group that has to take the mantle of relevancy because of being a pushover... As for the Page, well, this pushover-y attitude makes everyone step over him and he gets his ass served majorly by those more relevant than him, and yet it's precisely because of this that he is more aware of the unfairness of the Horde and has quite a bit of hidden drive and potential. Showing himself to be a capable engineer, and determined enough to go fix his vehicle after being pressed into it, there's something about him rising to the occasion after being stepped on so much that invokes the image of a Page. Just let him rest for once.

Rogelio - The Knight of Void

Rogelio is a good friend. He's caring and servicial with Kyle, particularly, coming to his aid, helping him with his wounds, and standing up to him when he's being used as the punching bag of the Horde. But see, the joke is that, literally no one can understand Rogelio. Aside from his caring quirks with his boyfriend, it's impossible to gauge what his personality is, or what he's saying at any given point. As such, he gets Knight points for being Kyle's knight, and otherwise he's just, Voidy as they get.

Lonnie - The Witch of Hope

Like Kyle and Rogelio, Lonnie isn't the easiest to Classpect. Little screen time, not much to draw from, it's not that they're bad characters obviously, but they're very secondary overall, and their Arcs are mixed together, making individual paths they take all that more nebulous. However, she could be a Hopebound- She seems to be at least a bit honorbound, and dislikes when her or her friends are treated unfairly, despite being a Horde Soldier. The things Catra puts the Horde Trio through put a dent in the way she sees Catra for sure, and as such, while tainted by the Horde's ideals, she may lean a bit Hope-y. As for the Witch, it's quite literally just a vibe. I haven't drawn anything too specific one way or the other, but her way of showing resentment makes me think of a Witch. Perhaps Rogelio and Kyle could count as dual Familars?

Shadow Weaver - The Witch of Void

I mean... Right... Right? A hunger for forbidden power, a selfish and practical desire to become stronger to take down those who she deems her enemies. Dipping into dangerous territory. Trying to raise strong, powerfully magic-attuned individuals to serve as a gateway to a greater power for herself, effectively making her hop from Familiar to Familiar. Shadowy and manipulative tendencies, with this confusing mixture of disdain and care, that make her so difficult to read.  Shadow Weaver seems to be quite easily a Witch of Void, from her literal Shadow Sorcery to her Arc, although I feel the need to mention other possibilities, like the Mage, for the thirst of knowledge, or even a Thief, not afraid to break the rules and taking advantage of others to hoard more power for herself. Ultimately, though, come on. Witch? Of course I have to go with Witch.

Hordak - The Heir of Mind

And so we reach the final stretch of this list of characters. Hordak's Aspect makes more sense in the context of him being a Clone of Horde Prime- One who Changed and gave himself a name, that separated himself from the Hivemind and gained individuality. Still, he is trying to make a name for himself so that he may be recognized by Horde Prime, effectively, Changing for, and inducing Change on Etheria for the recognition of his superior, and 'big brother'. This malleability from the base he was supposed to be like, and development, lean towards Heirhood, but then we see him be Consumed by the Hivemind- A fallen Heir, who then, once more, Changes and recovers his individuality, only to be Consumed AGAIN and be freed yet another time. I still look back at early seasons Hordak and, wow, he really came far didn't he? I was ROOTING for who was the main antagonist for Four Seasons by the Finale. Guess he even made me Change my Mind, didn't he?

Wrong Hordak - The Bard of Mind

First of all, I want to apologize for making anyone think of Wrong Hordak wearing a codpiece. He does fit, however, doesn't he? One whose link to the Hivemind was Destroyed, trying desperately to cling to the devotion for Horde Prime, only to realize his entire existence and devotion was a lie, followed by an identity crisis, and quickly hyperfocusing on the idea of taking down Horde Prime. Hordak had his Mind Destroyed, had a devotion that was questioned and made him have an identity crisis, and then he focused on the idea of Destroying the Hivemind afterwards- I would say the Bard Vibes come easily on their own, and you don't even need to remember the codpiece- Oh god dammit.

Horde Prime - The Lord of Mind

And finally, here he is. The Bastard Supreme. The Conqueror of the Universe. Subjugator of Species, imposing his word, brainwasher extraordinaire, and Hivemind incarnate. Horde Prime takes on the personality of an extremely creepy Cult Leader. A Lord of Mind, he Commands Choice- He mentions to offer everyone a place under his rule, so long as they obey his rule, and he effectively does, as he chips dissenters, making them yet another part of his Hivemind, artificially. He Commands through Mind, his control over others, his sprawling Hivemind, and his collection of intellect and information that lets him adapt or bypass whatever he finds in his way. And as the Biggest Baddie in the series, it's only fitting the title of Lord would go to him, isn't it?

I want to close the talk on Horde Prime, and this Essay, by drawing an interesting parallel- With Angella as a Muse to Horde Prime's Lord. Angella is the Queen of Bright Moon, and leader of the Rebellion. She stands as the most prominent figure from Etheria opposing the Horde. In turn, Horde Prime is the ruler of the Universe, what could be seen as 'everything EXCEPT' Etheria. The Queen of Etheria, a Muse, standing as a symbol of hope for her people, and Horde Prime, an external invader and leader of the rest of the Universe, standing as a symbol of fear and oppression.

I hope everyone enjoys this, because I spent... 12 solid hours analyzing these characters and wracking my brain. And as always.

Remember to block the Wrong Hordak Codpiece out of your mind.


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