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Hoo boy now isn't that a doozy of an image!

Today's "Essay" is going to be a little bit different, rather than talking about some specific topic, I am going to bring people up to speed on the Epilogues and HS^2 so far (June 2020).

Are you forgetful and need a refresher? Then this is exactly for you! It may be more scattered if you're not already aware of what happens in Post-Canon content, but... I will try to be concise, but not miss important details, and I will divide things by Timeline and Character. It will make more sense if you read all of it, but if you want to look specifically for a certain character, you may Ctrl+F away and get to them. 

Let's get this started, shall we?


In the Meat Timeline, John decides to comply with the rules of Canon, and go back to fight Lord English. Dirk, takes over the narrative, and manipulates the ensuing events to try and lead things down the path he considers most relevant and important to Canon, no matter the cost.

John Egbert

John has been stuck in a depressive rut for the seven years he's been on Earth-C, despondent and without much of a purpose or drive. When Rose starts having visions about their imminent undoing, the breaking down of Canon if they do not go back in time and comply with the demands of the story, he decides to go through with it. Following her instructions, he Retcons himself into an analogue of the Game Over Timeline, and takes the Life Ring from Aranea, before pulling the Teenage Versions of his friends, one by one, away from their intended sequence of events, to go defeat Caliborn before he becomes Lord English.

This leads to the events of the Masterpiece, where Caliborn traps the Beta Kids in the Juju, and we see them stuck within, contemplating what they've done, what their next step may be, before they're finally released by Vriska during Act 7. The door opens, they walk out, and John watches, horrified, as his friends are maimed by Lord English one by one. In the end, Davepeta manages to drag Lord English into the Black Hole, but John is left gravely wounded, and poisoned, floating in the middle of the Furthest Ring.

He hangs on to life, just barely, and Meenah's Ghost, a survivor of the fight, manages to snatch Aranea's ring from him. Shortly after, he bumps into Terezi, and his Dad's Wallet, floating out in the middle of nowhere, which he gets his spare car from. They share an intimate moment, with her, nearly starving, and him, in his death bed, before Terezi gives up on Vriska, and allows John to warp them back to his Timeline. He dies shortly after, and Terezi captchalogues his body in his Dad's wallet, where he remains.

Rose Lalonde

Some time prior to the events of the Epilogues, Rose begins to become aware of the deeper layer of Meta Bullshit in her reality. Her powers are getting out of control, she's starting the process of Ascension into her Ultimate Self, and her body cannot handle it. The visions about their reality breaking down by not following canon lead to horrible migraines, which don't stop even after John goes back in time. Dirk talks with her, about Ultimateness, about philosophy, and little by little, he wears her down and forcefully triggers her to open her third eye.

Shortly after, Dirk puts her and Kanaya in contact, and, making her believe about the importance of events to come, triggers what Rose believes to be a break-up on good terms, despite how devastating it is. Her body, unable to stay alive due to her current state, is put into stasis, and her consciousness, allowed to be projected upon a robotic body. She departs in a ship with Dirk, to find a Planet they can tailor to play SBURB on their own terms, controlling the playing field like Gods. Convinced of how important what they are doing is, she staves off the doubt and grief of leaving Kanaya behind with a black fling with Terezi, and begins a slow descent off the deep end.

Dave Strider

Dave's lifestyle doesn't seem to have changed much since the ending of Homestuck. He's in denial about his feelings for Karkat, and unable to express how he feels about Jade, either. This has led to a very static, domestic life alongside the two. However, news of Jane beginning to get into politics, and having less than kind opinions on Trollkind, particularly knowing that Dirk is involved in her campaign, make him encourage Karkat to run for presidency. He becomes his campaign manager, and slowly tries to convince the rest of the Creators into endorsing him. This is short-lived, however, as Dirk ruins Karkat's chances during a critical speech, and they're left alone and comforting each other about their failed campaign. Dirk attempts to intervene and push the two to confess their feelings, which Dave realizes and, out of spite for being manipulated, lashes back at, and decides to make out with Karkat of his own accord.

Now officially dating, and having found out about Dirk's ploy, he boards a ship to chase after him, and rescue Rose from his clutches. He's severely conflicted about how deep Dirk has fallen, and stays by Kanaya's side trying to keep her morale up while they wait.

Jade Harley

In the years following the end of Homestuck, Jade has become a lot more outgoing and open with the populace of Earth-C. She dislikes being alone, and loves her friends very much, particularly Dave and Karkat, whom she's got her sights set on. She has attempted in several occasions to 'prove' to them they're already practically dating, despite their reluctance to tackle more complex feelings, and appears frustrated with their inability to even tell her to stop if they truly don't want her that way. She joins Karkat's campaign, trying to recruit Roxy and Calliope to be on their side, when suddenly Alt Calliope takes over her body. The Teenage Jade John brought back to fight Lord English falls into the Black Hole, and Calliope uses her body to broadcast her consciousness onto this Jade, allowing her to overwhelm Dirk's schemes, and try to keep him out of the picture.

Dirk, however, manages to outsmart Calliope, and uses a tranquilizer to keep Jade asleep for the rest of the Epilogues. By the time she is given the antidote and wakes up in a hospital bed, she has become aware of what Dirk has done, and informs the rest, but it is much too late. Calliope takes over her once more, and she tags along with the rest in the ship to chase after him. Little by little, however, her consciousness becomes more active, and Calliope cannot seem to keep holding her back. Initially understanding of the grander purpose of Calliope inhabiting her body, she dislikes the condescending way she keeps making choices for her and assuming that she knows everything she wants and feel. The confrontation escalates until Jade wrestles control of her own body for long enough to threaten Calliope with ending the two of them. Jade is willing to sacrifice everything to prove to Calliope her ways are wrong, and to get her friends back. Calliope isn't, and she gives up control of her body, at last.

Jane Crocker

Jane has begun dipping her toes into the world of Politics. However, Trollkind is about to receive their first batch of Mother-Grub-lain, natural-born eggs, which will suppose a drastic boost in their population. She believes the best bet to keep population growth stable, is to limit their reproductive rights, and Trolls aren't taking the idea of a Human policing them like that kindly. With the coming negative press from Trollkind, a bias and bad habits developed from her time as the Condesce's Heiress, and her own stubbornness, these feelings stew into outright Xenophobia. With Karkat running against her, she attempts to secure voters by trying to seduce Jake- A plan which fails- And putting on publicity stunts. Ultimately, it's only thanks to Dirk getting in the way and ruining Karkat's chances that she's able to claim presidency of Earth-C.

The rest of the people she knows, however, have left, and she's left alone on Earth-C with Jake, also depressed and pensive, missing those who have abandoned her. A certain feline may or may not be trying to change her mind about the finer details of her political view points, but... This is not the Patreon you have to be supporting if you want to learn more about that.

Jake English

Earth-C's Beloved Himbo, Jake has become the eccentric millionaire he was in another lifetime. However, his romantic life is plagued with turmoil, probably because he's probably aromantic and just goes along with the romantic throes of whoever shows interest in him. Dirk has been left heart-broken by him due to unknown circumstances, despite the fact Jake doesn't seem aware about this hurt. As a major Earth-C Celebrity, when the elections start, both Jane and Karkat attempt to get him on their side. Jane, by attempted seduction, which is avoided thanks to Dirk's intervention, and Karkat, actually managing to convince him to speak for his cause. Just as he was about to make his speech in favor for Karkat's campaign, however, Dirk's intervention leads to a complete, humiliating, public breakdown in which he 'confesses' his true feelings for him.

Shortly after Karkat's electoral defeat, Dirk requests a ship from him, and formally leaves him, stating that he'll never see him ever again. Left depressed and alone with Jane on Earth-C, he seems quite hopeless... But certain paywalled content may imply a potential re-connection with an old friend...

Roxy Lalonde

Roxy is present when John decides to depart to fight Lord English, and seems to, on some level, know he may just not be seen again. It seems Roxy has been living happily alongside Calliope for a while now, and they have adopted a stance of neutrality on Earth-C affairs in general, which Jade is attempting to change, to bring the two on Karkat's side. It is then that Jade finds out both Calliope and Roxy are non-binary, but before much more can be explored about their identity, she's possessed by Alt Calliope. Roxy contacts with Dave during Jake's speech for Karkat's Campaign, talking about what Jade seems to be going through, before briefly talking about feelings on identity and exploration thereof.

Roxy is still by Jade's bedside when she wakes up, and at this point, is presenting masc, to the point of being briefly confused for Dave. With his family having put his friends in such a mess, Roxy hops on the ship alongside them to chase after them.

Dirk Strider

The man of the hour. Prior to the events of the Epilogue, Dirk Ascends to his Ultimate Self. His being drowns in the multiplicity of his selves, and all of his worst qualities are reflected right back at him. Aware of the meta-narrative of the world he lives in, and showing contempt for the audience, Dirk decides to take a hands-on approach to the world around him. He manipulates events to lead down a path he considers just Right for the story, for a Story he's trying to tell. He crafts Jane's political campaign to leave her in charge of Earth, shuts down Karkat's attempt at taking over instead, forces Rose to go through with her Ascension, manipulates her out of a relationship with Kanaya to hone their familial and philosophical kinship, and invites Terezi, now on Earth, to tag along with him as she has nowhere to go either.

Despite presenting himself as infallible and better than he's been, Dirk has attracted the attention of Alt Calliope, whom she's fought over the control of the narrative, shows himself lonely and missing Jake behind a layer of spite, and is much less in control of the situation than he claims to be. Three Years after departing from Earth, he and his crew have arrived on Deltritus, a planet with SBURB Technology, and has convinced Rose to play God with him, creating the Species that will play a new Session. Terezi is onto him, and shows herself skeptical of all of his actions, while Rose, who he thought would be his foil, has sunken deeper than he expected. The puppeteer's strings may snap yet.

Karkat Vantas

Initially reluctant to get into politics, the idea of facing Jane and making things right for Trollkind, and Dave's encouragement to push forward, really showed Karkat's capabilities and competency as a leader. Initially gaining traction, Dirk's manipulation eventually leads to the downfall of his campaign, but it does help bring him and Dave together. However, he's visibly nervous and disgruntled about everything going on. A friend of his, Jade, is possessed and floating ominously, they are chasing fate yet again on a ship through the void of space for who knows how long, and he's having the realization that, despite all the bad things going on, he is probably one of the few that don't have it that bad. Hopefully with Jade having broken free of possession, things can take a turn for the better for the crew.

Kanaya Maryam

After having seen Rose's health deteriorate due to her condition, and the political climate turning against Trollkind, Kanaya was, needless to say, anxious and angry. Of course she stands alongside Karkat's campaign, but her attention is on Rose, and particularly, the fact Dirk seems to be preventing her from seeing Rose directly, sending her on a wild goose chase. Eventually, once his control on the narrative is more direct, he has Rose and Kanaya break up. They both love each other, but Dirk plays into Kanaya's insecurities of not being enough, and Rose's doubt about what's relevant and important. Once Jade wakes up briefly, and lets everyone know what Dirk has done, however, Kanaya realizes the extent of his manipulation and goes completely feral. No matter what it takes, she WILL chase Dirk down, and get her wife back.

That said, over time on the ship, waiting for the chance to get to them, Kanaya's anger has sizzled into a mellow depression. She misses her, and thinks of her constantly, thinking of all she could have done, wondering if she didn't cherish her enough. Thankfully, Dave is by her side, and still considering her family, trying to keep her level-headed.

Terezi Pyrope

Terezi went back into the Furthest Ring after Vriska didn't arrive to Earth-C. Spending years flying around the nothingness, to the point of near-starvation, she eventually ran into John, also near-death, and managed to stave off her hunger with John's Dad's shaving cream. After sharing an intimate moment with him in the back of his Dad's Car, John manages to convince Terezi to give up her fruitless search, to come back home, that her friends miss her. However, once she accepts, and John warps them there, he dies shortly after, leaving her alone, once more. As a Seer of Mind, potentially in touch with her Ultimate Self as seen in Terezi: Remem8er, she manages to sniff out Dirk's narration and manipulation, and calls him out. Still, however, she's despondent and lacks attachment to Earth-C, and he eventually convinces her to tag along with him and Dirk.

During three years on Dirk's ship, she teases and calls him out whenever she can, being somewhat immune to his Narrative Control. However, the purpose she thought she may find alongside him is nowhere to be found. Just like Rose staves off the loss of Kanaya with her, Terezi has been trying to put her lack of purpose and how she misses Vriska off her mind through black flings with Rose, much to Dirk's displeasure.  And despite having hinted at the idea of Dirk manipulating her and changing her mind, she doesn't seem to have directly brought up what he's done to Rose.


Not much is seen about Calliope in the Epilogues and beyond. Initially, Callie is present alongside Roxy when John makes his choice, excited, probably, because of being an embodiment of the Fandom, about to see the story continue, one way or another. However after both Callie and Roxy come out as non-binary to Jade, Jade gets possessed by Calliope's Alt Self. The sight of her becoming narratively relevant and injecting herself into the Timeline terrifies them enough to leave them reclusive in their room for the rest of the Epilogues, painting the walls with vent art, potentially related to the Candy Timeline.

Despite Alt Calliope still possessing Jade's body, and tagging along with the rest of the crew, Callie does board the ship with Roxy, but just the same, they stay secluded in their quarters without seeing anyone else.


In the Candy Timeline, John decides that following the stream of Canon is not worth it. He has the epiphany that he's been isolating himself from the people he cares about, and decides to ignore the duty of going back to defeat English. Instead, he follows Calliope's command to bring Gamzee to Earth-C. The ensuing Timeline does not comply with the requirements of Canon and leads John down a bit of an existential crisis, as the political climate on Earth and the relationships between the Creators worsen over time.

John Egbert

John quickly realizes something feels off with the Timeline after his refusal to go back. Shortly after making his choice, Roxy and him start going out, and he notes the speed at which she just showed interest, despite her and Calliope seeming to have such a good relationship. His Retcon powers seem to stop functioning shortly after, and while he keeps in touch with Terezi in the Furthest Ring, his Timeline is asynchronous with Terezi's, making it so a few minutes for her will be vastly longer amounts of time for him. In no time, he and Roxy are married, and she's pregnant, but while he's living a happy family life, the world just seems to get crazier. His friends act based on assumptions he knows aren't true, his wife seems a bit too willing to go along with everything he wants, the political climate deteriorates by the day, friends and family are falling apart, and reality is opening up and spitting out Ghost Trolls upon Earth-C.

Soon, John's attempt at grasping at something real, anything at all, leads him to attempt to kidnap Jane and Jake's kid during his own's birthday, because he knows of his abusive and shitty home situation. Jade catches him, and while she agrees with him, she worries about the potential consequences such a thing would have for the political climate. They stall, arguing, for long enough for Jane and the rest of invitees to find out about his plans, and he storms out of the house, left with only Terezi to feel real and meaningful. Sadly, this is just as Terezi seems to be on her death throes. She stops contacting him shortly after, and John finds his Dad's old Car, just like the Ghosts, fallen from a crack in reality, with teal stains that tell him Terezi was there.

John despairs and falls into depressive nihilism for a decade, while a war wages on on the planet. However, Vriska, the one that fought Lord English, alive, lands on Earth-C at last, and from there things seem to take a turn. He finds Jake in his home, who's taken his son away from Jane, and who intends to finally try to make things right. He encourages John that things do matter, even if he thinks they don't, and an enlightening conversation with Roxy changes his perspective on the world. Shortly after, he finds out on the news his son may be involved in the death of Gamzee, and with things beginning to feel relevant and important once more, with shit going off the rails, he regains his optimism and joins the fight against Jane's political regime.

Rose Lalonde

Shortly after John makes the choice to ignore Canon, Rose collapses, and her Ultimate Ascension stops entirely. Realizing the migraines and visions are gone, and finding a very worried Kanaya besides her, she promises herself to do the best to live a happy and fulfilling life together, soon adopting a cerulean grub, near identical to Vriska, to raise together. However, turmoil is on the horizon. The political climate keeps getting worse, Jane has begun to pull strings to leverage her political influence, and Trolls are beginning to lose rights. Jade wants a kid of her own to raise with Dave and Karkat, but adoption seems off the table under Jane's laws, and in a spur of the moment decision, Rose agrees to carry Jade's child without Kanaya's knowledge. As Karkat splits from his triad after tensions with Jane go too high, and as he pushes the movement of the Troll Rebellion against Jane's regime, Jade and Rose are left raising their daughter together in secret, while she and Kanaya raise their own, and become prominent figures of the Troll Rebellion themselves.

Still, despite the political turmoil and personal issues, Rose realizes she is managing to live a fulfilling and meaningful life despite her fears and visions. Her family, her friends, herself, even after a decade of fighting Jane, she thanks John for his choice, and keeps pressing on to take down the fascist regime they live in. Soon, however, her and Kanaya's daughter is accused of participating in Gamzee's murder, and her and Jade's daughter is kidnapped and used as a bargaining chip by Jane. Unable to keep it hidden any longer, Rose and Jade confess to Kanaya, and then, to John, what they have been hiding for a decade and a half, and Rose finds herself stuck between the turmoil of the situation, and her personal turmoil with Kanaya, needing to make up for such a major breach of trust.

Dave Strider

Awkward and unable to get his feelings about his friends straight, Jade pushes Dave and Karkat into a polyamorous relationship that simply doesn't jell well. At the same time as this happens, Dirk takes his own life, which leaves Dave devastated. Jade tries to get his mind off of it by focusing on their relationship, but it's simply not working, and while Karkat tries to be there for him, the world is getting crazy, ghosts are raining, Jane's getting her claws on the politics of the world and pushing an anti-Troll bias, and an alternate iteration of Jade seems to have landed on Earth-C, impaled by a glowing shard and seemingly dead. An attempt to have Jane revive her is the last straw for Karkat, and he leaves Jade and Dave to more directly oppose Jane.

Jade is still there for him, but it's obvious Dave is simply devastated. The years go by, and the longing doesn't get any better, but Karkat won't allow them to join the rebellion, in fear they will put themselves in danger. A decade later, Dave and Jade get married, but it still means nothing to him. It's only once Karkat does allow them to join the Rebellion, and he finds and explores the ruins of the White House, that he lets everything out. He finds a holographic projection of Obama, whom his Bro apparently knew, and a robotic vesself for himself. With the angst of the world weighing down on him, and having lost a purpose and sense of identity, Dave gives in to his Ultimate Self, and ascends into Davebot. Shortly after, he finds Alt Calliope opening a rift out of Candy and into Meat, and he follows her towards Narrative Relevance, leaving everyone else unaware of what happened to him.

Jade Harley

Jade is pushy with Dave and Karkat, trying persistently to enter a relationship with the two, pushing their boundaries, and seeking a Quadrant-like relationship that doesn't work in a misguided attempt to use the Quadrant System to make Polyamory 'easier' for them. Her advances getting more blunt coincide with Dirk's death, a low point after which everyone starts getting together. Kanaya and Rose adopt a grub, Roxy and John get married, and Roxy gets pregnant, Jake, Jane and Gamzee of all people seem to have gotten together in a triad. This 'hurry' of everyone getting together all at once, alongside the loss of a family member, allows Jade to stay with the two despite the obvious friction. Soon, she too is trying to build the family of her dreams, and in a spur of the moment decision, Rose agrees to carry a child for her, Dave and Karkat to raise, despite Kanaya not knowing about the arrangement, and Dave and Karkat not being aware of her plans, either. After an alternate version of herself lands, seemingly dead, during a picnic, their attempt to bring her back to life using Jane leads Karkat to have enough of Jane's political bullshit, and he splits off from the triad.

Suddenly, the world is getting crazier, and darker, she and Rose have a secret kid, and Dave has lost both Dirk, and now, Karkat. She is well aware that things aren't going well, but she stays with Dave, attempting to at least fulfill him in some sense, to not leave him completely alone. As years pass by, and despite this simply not working, Jade and Dave end up getting married, and then, joining Karkat's Rebellion formally. Still, it's too late, and everything comes down crashing for Jade. Dave can't keep going on, and he Ascends, slipping away from her. Jane impulsively kidnaps her and Rose's daughter, making it all come to light. The tower of lies collapses, and she has a breakdown, but despite everything, her friends and family are still there for her, and she is going to get her daughter back.

Jane Crocker

Originally planning to run for the Earth-C Presidency, Dirk calls off her political campaign. Still, however, Jane continues to manipulate the political strings with her company and her massive influence, making her Xenophobic views and her restrictions on Troll Reproductive Rights pass. This quickly builds friction among the Creators, particularly with her passive-aggressive way of responding to any sort of criticism. Jake becomes ensnared in her web, roped into a dubious relationship with her, and made even more dubious by Gamzee Makara engaging in a black relationship with her. Soon, Jane and Jake have a kid, their household is an abusive disgrace, and her imposed restrictions are more severe. A brief incident in which a young, seemingly dead Jade is brought to her to be revived, escalates into Karkat becoming hostile towards her, and swearing to stop her fascist regulations on his kind. Even John ends up openly opposing her, as he attempts to kidnap her son during a birthday party, only to be found out, accused, and left storming off of the household.

As years pass, her hold on the global politics slips from the underground to the public. Gamzee is revered as a religious figurehead of Jane's regime, Karkat's rebellion has grown in size to oppose her, and she keeps an iron grip on the military system of Earth-C trying to curb dissenters and oppress Trollkind. This escalates until an incident in which her Dad is murdered, and nothing left of him for her to revive, sending her to a rage, that triggers the conflict to go further, and has her toss Gamzee out of her ship. Ironically, and hypocritically, despite having thrown him off herself, when she finds out he was killed shortly after, and an image arises with her own, Roxy's and Kanaya's kids, as well as Vriska, dragging his corpse down a highschool hallway, she assumes that her dear son has been kidnapped by the rebellion, and responds over-dramatically. Jake returns to her side after having disappeared for a short while, and while he attempts to calm her down, she kidnaps Rose and Jade's daughter in retaliation as a bargaining chip. Tensions are high, and she has gone off the deep end.

In the increasing turmoil following Dirk's death, and after a brief, drunken fling with Jane, Jake is roped into a dubious relationship with her, made even more dubious once Gamzee becomes her kismesis. Her increasingly virulent political ideals, and her neglectful and insulting behavior towards him wear down on him, but Jake doesn't dare step up to her and do the right thing. For over a decade, Jake is dismissed and mistreated by Jane, until the boiling point in which he can simply not take it anymore. Seeing her go off the deep end in her fight against Trollkind, he takes their son away from her, and brings him to John's home, where he intends to live until things can settle down a little. He even encourages John to do the right thing, too, and reconnect with Roxy and his own son, that it's never too late, that things do matter, even in the worst of times.

His plan changes directions drastically, however, as Brain Ghost Dirk is awakened within him after not having seen him for years. Instead of fleeing Jane, he remains by his side, as a spy, infiltrated as her right hand man and trying to wait for just the right moment to do the right thing. However, his choice to bring their son away from Jane, and his awkwardness when it comes to confronting her, give him a miniscule amount of leverage against Jane's delusions. But with some luck, he may just be able to pull through and change the tides of war.

Roxy Lalonde

Present for the moment in which John made the choice to stay and not go back to fight English, Roxy was quick to throw herself at John and engage in a relationship with him. Her impulsiveness and willingness to go along with practically everything he wanted, how she seemed to simply be along for the right, made John become more and more worried that his choice had affected even the way his own friends acted, that'd made everything feel fake, surreal. Specially as Roxy becomes caught in the political turmoil of Earth-C, with Jane, her old best friend, pushing for increasingly awful restrictions, and her closest family, Rose, becoming a primary figurehead in rebelling against Jane. To make things worse, she seems to buy into the things Gamzee spews about redemption, allowing him to ruin even Dirk's funeral with impunity.

In time, however, Roxy can see that Jane is not, in fact, going to get better, and after her marriage with John collapses, too, she seems to dedicate her time to being a good mother for her son. When John finally gets a little spark of hope and decides to try to re-connect, finally more about Roxy is put into context. Her willingness to be in a relationship, her ease of flow, her neutral stance, her friends falling apart, there's definitely a lot more going on in her head than she shows, and while she may have made wrong choices or not communicated enough, it's not, as John feared, that she is 'Fake' or 'Irreal' due to his Choices. She even briefly comments on her feelings on identity, gender, how she may not feel entirely like a woman, but how, ironically, embracing motherhood helped her feel more comfortable in her body, giving it a purpose, rather than identifying directly with it. With her son having joined the rebellion, it's only a matter of time to see what her next move will be.

Dirk Strider

Having already ascended to the Ultimate Self, Dirk was aware of the shift in the Timeline once John decided to not comply with Canon. Given the plans he had for the Meat Timeline were no longer possible, and connected to the multiplicity of his selves, and aware of the grander meta-narrative scale he was working with, he thought that there was no reason for him to continue in what he considered to be a hollow, frivolous and irrelevant Timeline, called Jane to call off her political campaign, and took his own life, leading to major turmoil among the Creators.

However, while he died early in the Timeline, Jake's Brain Ghost Dirk awakened over a decade after the fact. As a figment of Jake's psyche, he encourages him to stop Jane, who's gone off the deep end, and work from inside to try and dismantle her regime. However, while definitely better than his Meat Iteration, even Jake's Brain Ghost projection of him seems to have a rather cynical view of them, as Gods, and how they're not the kind of people that get happy endings. Let's hope he can be proven wrong.

Aradia Megido (and Sollux Captor)

Shortly after Ghosts begin to rain on Earth-C through rifts in reality, Aradia, alongside Sollux, arrive just in time for a funeral Roxy has prepared for the deceased iteration of Jade that fell from the sky. Endlessly amused by this Corpse Party, Aradia sticks around, only to see the dead Jade awaken, eyes blackened, and speaking possessed by Alt Calliope. For the following years, Aradia seems to stay away from the conflict of the world, and instead, remains with Alt Calliope, learning about the conflict going down on their Timeline, hearing about her conflict with Dirk manipulating the narrative, and otherwise remaining an observer. Sollux seems to stick by her side through all of this, but ultimately, as Calliope prepares to abandon the Timeline Aradia tags along with her, and with the Ascended Davebot, seemingly leaving Sollux behind.

Karkat Vantas

Frustrated with Jade's attempts at pushing him into a Kismesissitude, Karkat grows resentful of his relationship at first, but it doesn't matter for too long. Trollkind is being threatened by Jane's xenophobic ideals, and restrictive policies, and the growing emotional turmoil eventually comes to a head when confronting her directly. With the discontent in his relationship, and the growing threat Jane poses, Karkat decides to leave the triad and instead focus on stopping Jane's tracks, leading him to becoming the leader of a the Troll Rebellion. This movement isn't too successful initially, specially as rifts begin to open up and dump Troll Ghosts over the world, making the uneasy Troll-Human relations worse, but soon Meenah, not dead, but alive and wearing a Ring of Life, crashes right by the Caverns. She and Karkat enter an ambiguous romantic relationship, a tad contentious, and with her help, the Rebellion grows in scope and potential.

Rose and Kanaya become figureheads of the Rebellion as well, a Troll-Human couple that embodies the unity they're fighting for, but Karkat is reluctant to allow Jade and Dave to join in as well. He still very much cares for Jade, and specially, Dave, and is fearful that putting them in the line of fire will get them killed Heroically. So, even as they eventually join formally a decade later, he puts them on reconnaissance and booby-trapping duty, keeping them from facing Jane's army directly, and wittingly sending Dave to what will be his last mission. The war keeps escalating, tensions are heavy, and now Gamzee, a religious figure of Jane's regime, is dead, and Jane is resorting to kidnapping and hostage situations. Needless to say, he needs a major break.

Kanaya Maryam

After seeing her wife become more distant over time due to her ailment and condition, with her visions and migraines, Kanaya worried she may end up losing her. But once John makes the choice that snaps her out of her Ultimate Haze, Kanaya focuses on trying to build a family together with the love of her life. She adopts a Vriska look-alike grub, but soon enough they're being faced with Jane's manipulation running deep within the political system of Earth-C, and beginning to push anti-Troll rhetoric and restrictive laws. As the Matriarch of the Brooding Caverns, in charge of the Mother Grub, she doesn't take kindly to this, and tensions between her and Jane escalate. As Jane becomes more openly hostile, and Karkat leads the Rebellion against her, Rose and Kanaya become part of it, inherently, due to their duties in the Caverns, and soon, become freedom-fighters.

Despite the state of the world, Kanaya is happy with Rose, and so glad to be by her side- Which is why finding about her betrayal of trust hurt her deeply. In the throes of worrying their daughter may be caught and done something horrible to by Jane's regime, Kanaya finds out that Jade and Rose had a daughter they kept in secret for 15 years. She claims to not blame or hate Jade for merely wanting to be a mother, and that she doesn't revile the act, but having hidden it from her for over a decade, and raising a kid together in secret behind her back, is something that will take time for Rose and Jade to make up for. Still, despite her anger, she knows that there's a kid, being held hostage by Jane, and loves Rose deeply. She won't let it put a dent in her relationship or her leadership, but that doesn't mean she's okay with what's going on.

Terezi Pyrope

Terezi doesn't physically appear in the Candy Timeline, as, given she's in the Furthest Ring, she's the same iteration for both Candy and Meat Timelines. However, it seems that Terezi keeps in contact with the John from this Timeline, finding out that the Furthest Ring and this iteration of Earth-C are temporarily desynchronized. Messages sent minutes apart for her reach him after weeks, and soon years upon years are passing from John's perspective. Terezi is there for John when everything starts to feel surreal and fake, and he is there for her when she starts losing all hope, of finding Vriska, of surviving. In the end, however, John loses contact with her, and assumes the worst.

Vriska Serket

The same Vriska that fought against Lord English. Shortly after deploying the House Juju, a fragment of cracked Paradox Space struck her. The impact and concussion left her hazy and spiralling out of control, falling into the Candy Timeline, about 15 years after John made the choice to not go fight Lord English. At first she has a thirst to see what happened, to go back, where the action is, but soon she encounters Gamzee, who makes advances on her despite the age difference. She beats him to a pulp, but eventually hatesnogs him in a disgusting display, but when he tries to up the ante claiming she somehow took advantage of him, she can't take it anymore, and ends up killing him on the spot.

Vriska meets with Rose and Kanaya's daughter, so similar to her, and yet so different- Weaker, softer. She seems to take a liking to the shenanigans of this world, in a spiteful way, helping try to hide Gamzee's body, which only ends up with them being exposed and labelled as terrorists by Jane's regime- A title which she wears proudly as she publicly states her plans to fuck Jane's shit up, before going on a rampage against her covert OPS and the journalists harassing them. As such, despite having escalated the conflict even further, she has become a part of the Rebellion, alongside her alt-Universe self.

Gamzee Makara

The absolute worst. Just after John decides to stay, Calliope convinces him to bring Gamzee out of the Juju, that he, too, deserves to live among them and be redeemed. While Calliope and Roxy are gleeful to see him wanting to change his ways and be redeemed, it's obvious to anyone with eyes that Gamzee is the same old nasty bastard that got under Terezi's skin and beat her into a pulp. He proceeds to become the main instigator of awful things in the Candy Timeline. He's there to make John uncomfortable talking about his relationship with Roxy. He's there to greet Dave at Dirk's house before finding his suicide note. He's there to make Dirk's funeral into a complete joke. He's there spiting Jane into a black relationship and fuelling the flames of her troll bias and fascist methods. And when Trolls begin to rain into the Timeline, he's there to provide the same kind of fake 'redemption' he went through as some sort of religious figurehead. The butt to a very, very ugly joke.

Ultimately, calling out on Jane's Xenophobia after his father dies makes him be tossed right off of her ship, and his subsequent flirting with Vriska ends up having him killed. Following this, his body is carried through the highschool a-la weekend at Bernie's in the worst attempt in history to hide his corpse, only to find out, and instigate Jane to escalate the political conflict even more. His body is still, presumably, hidden in a highschool closet, and considering Jane's eulogy prepared for his funeral, she seems willing to use him as a martyr figure for her cause rather than bringing him back to life.

Meenah Peixes

The same Meenah that led the Ghost Army against Lord English, having stolen a Ring of Life from John in the Furthest Ring, and fallen into the Candy Timeline. She was quick to tag along with Karkat's Rebellion and help make it grow into a more respectable movement. She got into a rather ambiguous relationship with Karkat, and had Fish Puns forbidden by him. While she is a prominent figure in the Rebellion, not much is seen about her.


Initially with John when he refused to go back in time and fight English, Calliope encouraged him to bring Gamzee into Earth-C to be redeemed. They seemed quite ecstatic to have him around, probably as an interesting figure of lore and an actual parent for them, however, the fantasy and happiness were short-lived. Growing a little bit envious of Roxy's relationship with John, they start feeling uneasy about how happy they seem, but they sticks by Roxy's side, during Dirk's funeral, and then, during the alternate, dead Jade's funeral too. When said Jade awakens, though, revealing herself to be possessed by her God-Tier alternate, Calliope freaks out and becomes extremely reclusive.

They are not seen again, although by the pictures in Roxy's home, it's implied that they still have a close relationship, and that they have met Roxy and John's son.

Alt Calliope

Alt Calliope is aware of the way Dirk is controlling the Narrative, and doesn't like it. Supposed to have collapsed into a Black Hole to destroy the Green Sun and allow for English' destruction, it seems her consciousness still lingered in the aftermath. The Black Hole left in the middle of Paradox Space leads to the Candy Timeline- Void and insubstantial, created like a pocket of gravity to trap Lord English, but probably repurposed after things changed and Dirk became a threat to the stability of reality.

When John came out of the Juju with his alternate-Universe friends, Jade was struck by a shard of the broken Paradox Space, and lured to be consumed by the Black Hole. Being a Space Player, and a Witch, Calliope managed to insert her consciousness into this Jade, broadcasting her influence to the Jade in the Meat Timeline so that she could fight Dirk for the control of the narrative. And so, she bid her time in the Candy Timeline, a safe space where Dirk cannot reach, since he is already dead, waiting for the moment Lord English would fall into the Timeline, like all the Ghosts before him, to consume him and become all-powerful. Once she absorbed her brother's power, she tore a rift in the fabric of reality leading out of the Timeline, and sealing it behind. She, Aradia, and Dave, left to stop Dirk, and presumably, left the Candy Timeline disconnected, and unable to interact with the Meat Timeline at all. But, she's already been proven to be fallible, losing control of Meat Jade's body, so who's to say she's in the right?

The Omega Kids

Finally, we get four new main characters in the Candy Timeline! The kids of the Creators.

Harry Anderson Egbert, Roxy and John's son. Jane tried to win him over with birthday gifts when he was five, but the distancing of Jane from John, and then Roxy, led to him not having any relationship with her. He shows to want to help Trollkind, but isn't driven enough to join the rebellion. That is, until the rest of his group get involved with Gamzee's death, and get him involved, by proxy.

Vriska Maryam-Lalonde (Vrissy), Rose and Kanaya's daughter. She's said to be a genetic duplicate, or near perfect duplicate of Vriska herself, and has been part of the rebellion against Jane for a long time, considering who her parents are. She feels a bit jealous of how cool the 'original' Vriska is, now that she's met her in person, and craves her attention. 

Tavros Crocker, Jake and Jane's son. Raised in a household with Jane in such a state, and Gamzee of all people, he harbors resentment towards Gamzee, but shows himself to be surprisingly level-headed and attuned to others' emotions. Nervous about helping hide Gamzee's body initially, but he was the only one with a vehicle to transport him, his involvement led to Jane escalating the conflict even further, believing him to have been kidnapped.

Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde-Harley, Jade and Rose's daughter. Little is known about her, with her past having been kept a secret, it seems Jane allowed Yiffy to join a boarding school, as a favor back when her relationship with Jade wasn't as strained. With time passing and the conflict growing more volatile though, this choice came to bite them back in the ass, as Jane was aware of her, and managed to snatch her away as a bargaining chip, currently held in her flagship.

And that was WAY more writing than I expected to do, but hey, the Epilogues are vast and there's a lot to keep track of. As an extra, since many people have trouble keeping up with the general chronology: The Meat Epilogues take place in a relatively short span of time, undetermined, merely as long as Karkat's Political campaign lasts. Following that, Rose, Dirk and Terezi's trip to Deltritus lasts for three years, and we don't know how long it may be until the other ship crew shows up over there.

The Candy Epilogues, however, take place in the span of over a decade. There's three mayor Timeskips, one right after Alt Calliope arrives in Teen Jade's body, at which point Harry Anderson is born, and we skip right to his third birthday. Shortly after that, there's another 2-year Timeskip to his fifth birthday, when John tries to get Tavros Crocker away from Jane. And then, as John loses hope that Terezi may still be alive, there's a major, 10-year Timeskip.

In the Meat Epilogues, everyone is 23-24, meaning they're around 27-ish by the time they arrive to Deltritus. In the Candy Epilogues, the Creators are in their mid-thirties by the time HS^2 starts, with the Omega Kids and Vriska being around 15-16 years old.

Hope that was informative and not too much of an info overload!


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