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This month's update is focused on the addition of a new mode for the game. 

You can find it on the title screen and it's creatively called "Extra". 

As mentioned in the last update, the main purpose of this is for me to have a more free environment to create new content without having to worry about the story and lore.

To keep the extras completely disconnected from the main game, they are managed by a new girl that I hope you'll like~ 

For now, the extra area contains two new 'challenges' (one being the standalone battle with ClawGal I shared last month) and the ability to replay stages.

Replaying stages was already possible, but now you won't have to run around the giant beach to do so. For the same reason the training area is now available from the pause menu when not in a stage. 

All the mentioned updates are in the new build of course:  Build 

Adding this feature took a little longer than I hoped, but now the game has a place for everything and I can keep making more and more content with ease!

As always, thank you for your support!



good news for us again don't push you too hard :D