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Here is the post about the progress on Crystal Wish for the past month! This is mostly news, but there will be a bonus at the end! 

To start, story progress: The next stage is in development, I completed the main map and got a few ideas and plans ready for the challenges the girls will have to tackle in this stage.

 However, as development is progressing, I can't help but notice how the whole setting is forcing me to ignore a few ideas and concepts here and there. I'm really enjoying how the game is structured and I hope it is the same for everyone, but to make the game even better and richer I decided to try to add a new mode separated from the story that will allow the player to tackle different extra challenges. 

I already worked on a couple of them to test the idea and I hope to have this new feature added fully to the main game ASAP. But since I already spent a lot of time working on this... It really feels like a shame to not share anything playable, so I made a standalone demo for one of the new challenges. This one in particular is an extra battle. 

 You can download the demo here: CW_BF_BonusBattle 

This is all for now! Thank you for supporting Crystal Wish and see you next month!


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