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A quick development update. 

This month's goal was to push forward the main story of the game. The next step of the adventure is almost ready and is just missing a big main important (and dangerously cute) 'detail'. 

Depending how the development will go, I hope to manage to release another mid-update in August with a new build. But even if that doesn't happen, do not worry as the development will keep progressing even next month as I'm not planning any particular vacation. After all...you could say I've been on the beach for quite some time now!.....a big vast and dangerous beach where a big towering mean genie is acting up, but still a beach.

I also did some small changes here and there to the game this month, like adding a character to the 'win-stage' screen (as mentioned and showed on discord) and adjusting some code and behavior for better gameplay. 

This is all for now, so see you next month and be careful if you spend your summer at the beach, you never know when a genie could show up to play a game!


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