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an eagle doing a kickflip!!!

Pavel Curtis

This is awesome. I love that Sam, of all people, may have just invented a big revenue stream for Faye and Bubbles.


This is gonna become an AI spray parlor isn't it.


Sam is going to have to quit school to work at the shop. Or her school will still give her credit even though she never goes in.


Sam, the herpetologist-spray artist.

Chris Hewson

And here Corpse Witch thought she'd be a sun-hurling nuisance that shouldn't be allowed in such an environment. :D


For some reason I absolutely adore this scenario. This is just adorable.

Nobilis Reed (personal)

Looks like they're not going to have a problem getting business!

David Days

Never occurred to me (but makes perfect sense) that some AIs would be into body mods. Maybe even more so, since it would be a way to make their bodies more their own--kinda like us fleshies and houses. We may move into a cookie-cutter house, but we start decorating and rearranging to make it ours.


I’m guessing the reason this is available so early is Jeph couldn’t wait to draw it and share it.


He mentioned on Twitter that his back had gone out and he was discharging his responsibilities for the day so he could go have a lie down. (Hope you feel better soon, Jeph!)

Alex Mullenix

This reminded me of a commission that I watched Ryan Browne (God Hates Astronauts, Curse Words) do at C2E2 this year. I think the guy just asked for something that incorporated all the important elements of Stand By Me, so he had Corey Feldman doing a kickflip over a dead body while eating a pie and shooting an assault rifle. I think he took a little bit of artistic liberty there.


To me, this says quite a lot about the relationships between AIs and humans in the QC-verse. Yes, the AIs were *created* by humans, and each AI has individually chosen whether or not to live in human society and/or with an individual human. It is very interesting to me that some social AIs would then choose to be *decorated* by humans. Not just tolerate it (such as a kid writing on your temporary chest cover), but to actively seek it. Do AIs make art of their own? That is, is it more about the art than the artist (AI or human)?


Oh dang I would attend the hell out of an AI's art exhibition. That would be super interesting.

jeff fearnow

I have the dumb. I don't get 'spray' vs tattoo.


Spray like spray paint I assume? The way car bodies get mad flashy :)


“I’m Faye Whittaker, and this is my robot repair shop. I work here with my friend's daughter and my robot pal, Bubbles. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I’ve learned after 21 years – you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.”


"beefy" Trogdor confirmed!


I do not get why they would be called sprays.


Likely a foreshortening and pluralization of spray-paint, though that is just a guess, and my understanding is that most industrial paint applications are usually done via sprays (and masks where appropriate) rather than by brushes. Also, "decal" (decalcomania), as the nearest contextual synonym I could think of, probably evokes decorating inanimate objects more than body art.


Wait a minute. An eagle doing a kickflip? Wings make that maneuver trivial. Hawks and falcons actually have attacks that look a lot like kickflips. Look at some of the YouTube videos of hawks defending their nests against harassment from larger ravens. Now, an ostrich doing a kickflip would be awesome.

David Paul

They may have to subdivide the shop. One side mechanic, one side body art.

Rudolph Gerber

Bubbles looks.... mildly perturbed at the new business offering. Faye's been doing it to Punchbot for ages though.


I have the feeling this AI cannot completely close his mouth (by design).

Freya Thurell

now she's going to get in trouble for underage labour right?


So this counts as art, but Faye drawing dicks on them doesn't?