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Gary Walker

Again, skulls are cool. It is known.


Welp, found my next tattoo.


Did Sam decide to put her shirt on inside out in a panel we didn’t see?


Okay Skullchicken is super cute.


Her dad might only let her work on the weekend because of school. Other than that, I can't see any reason for him to have a problem with her having her own spray business.


I just noticed that too in this comic in a way I didn't in the last (only one obscured shot of the should still be the snakes shirt).

Brad Knowles

Hmm. A spray isn't as permanent as a tattoo, right? It would have to be etched in order to be more permanent.

Brad Knowles

On the other hand, I can't see this getting out of hand. No way. No how. ;)


Yeah, that's what every dad dreams of for their little princess. :D

David Paul

Sam has already promoted herself to Head Spray Artist. And she's already grizzly enough to chastise her underlings...


"Always tip yer artist" - I see what you did there

Kevin Hicks

I’m surprised Sam doesn’t draw snakes with the skulls. Just seems like a natural combination, given her interests.

Nicholas Ruff

I've been reading too much about business stuff, because my immediate thoughts after reading this was "Sam better get properly compensated, I hope she gets her dad to negotiate fair wages, she's pretty much an employee since she's adding value to Faye's business, I hope Faye talks with Bubbles first before hiring Sam, maybe Sam can start an independent company."

Nicki Faulk

OMG I need a skull chicken!

Don Whiteside

Not only do you take a FIFTY PERCENT facility fee, Faye, but you take it out of her tip too?? Not cool, yo. (I guess she could be taking a 75% cut and passing on the tip but that's up to pimp territory)

Don Whiteside

Maybe it's robot henna. $20 is a pretty fair price for ephemeral skin art.

Derrik Pates

Thanks for the laugh before I go get irradiated, Jeph!


I assumed that Faye meant $15 out of the $20 payment.


I really hope underage labour doesn't get Faye in trouble... I am really loving this arch

Shawn K. Younkin

I LOVE Bubbles expression at the end.

Morgan McCauley

Now there's a tat I could get behind.

Clifton Royston

I love this storyline with Sam so much.