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I'm so proud of the pun in the strip title




That pun is indeed on point.


There must be so many situations where Bubbles has to pretend not to see things - like how Marten's couch probably lights up like a Christmas tree in UV. (Rumour has it that the cushions have been flipped. Twice.)


More like DERPetoloty, if you ask me.


Not to be confused with PLURpetology, which is snakes at a rave.

Fart Captor

How can anyone get anything done with Sam around? Do you build up a tolerance over time, gaining the ability to somehow say "no" to her?


I would pay extra money dollars to see a series of strips on the snake trip


Bubbles... Pride goeth before a snake hunting expedition.


You’re a punny man Jeph.

Holly Nelson

Bubbles would be an ideal snake handler, not being vulnerable to venom. But the poor snakes would break their little fangs, trying to bite her. 😧

David Paul

Sam then uses a Python script to get Bubbles to reconsider her position. I'll see myself out.

Summer Sudbrink

Apparently that joint was beyond repair.


Wait. I just freaked out a tiny bit. Does Bubbles have a tattoo on her chest that appears only when she crushes something? Cool...


My daughter has now demanded a snakes to meet you shirt

Peter McDevitt

Why did it have to be snakes???


Jeph, would you be able to make a profit selling the snake T-Shirt? Because for DAMNED sure I'd want a few. And I'd throw a reasonable amount of dollar bills at you for them.