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Hey everyone,

Quick update this week. I’m making good progress. It’s a little slow but I’ve managed to get a bunch of events working. The issue always is I’ll show you something cool then 3 weeks later be like “Hey it now works in game”. Lots of save states and characters is always a nightmare.

I’ve also finished and tested/integrated the fast travel system. You should be able to travel via bus between the Town, Beach and University. The current plan is you can buy a bus pass from the store at the beach. I’ve put in the first of the lightning energy figments for unlocking more energy. That system was mostly done but I’ll start distributing them around the maps.

I also spent a considerable time making a new figment type. This is a figment specific for a new area. This is not designed for battling but will allow me to use them much like I use a basic NPC. They have hovering “hands” that can interact with the player in a similar way to existing NPCs.

The trick to this was to use the existing rigs and cut/re-rig just a pair of hands and update a new model. This was a little harder than the robots but the same general idea. Currently they are just planned to be in the new area. But I might throw them into a few other areas in the game too if I come back around.

The stuff I’m working on is split between 2 things. Some main story stuff where you find Remi back at the Uni. Meet with Casper who gives you a quest to get an item. Once you get that item you return and go through a setup so that you can access this new area. I’ve got the basic sequence of events to let you access the secret area sorta working (placeholder dialogue ext).

I’m juust starting on the cloud area at the moment. This is a little more tricky as ideally I’m trying to throw in some elements a little similar to the lab or the Daycare.

That’s all for now I”m going to get back to work!




I love hearing progress like this it let's us know our money is actually going to something and will it ever be possible to use text chat that can be turned on and off for like rp and stuff if this game ever becomes multiplayer capable


Hi! First of all, I just discovered this game and it's honestly amazing. Good job! I have a question tho: Regarding the clothing, did you consider allowing the player to mix and match the tops, bottoms and shoes? As an example, when wearing a short onesie (with snaps) we can't wear shoes or a skirt/short, because it's not already included in the outfit. Same for the overalls, can't add shoes, the character stays barefoot. If it's something you adressed in the past, sorry, I missed it! I can understand if it's not something you will add, considering the complexity of the game in general. Anyways, thank you for the wonderful work!


At the moment no. Once I get past the main "chunk" of the game I might re-visit the outfit stuff a little. It might be possible to get a little more control


Thank you for the updates! Just a fully and completely honest opinion: the little hands on that cloud figment are kind of unnerving. It falls into the "uncanny valley" if you ask me. Otherwise I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on the next update. Looks wonderful! Can't wait for exploring the new areas and the possibility of new outfits! Thank you again!

john n

Looks awesome great work


Is it possible to get an updated item list?