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Hey everyone,

So current progress has been pretty good. The main thing I've been working on has been just linking the post escape events together. While not difficult the game itself is complex enough that it just takes longer to do. I haven't tested these events yet but have managed to string them roughly together with placeholder dialogue and tested a few actual important moments. 

I will say with the game's sorta code complexity and a bit of technical debt it's not always been easy. I spent 4 hours just trying to work out why I couldn't teleport a player to a specific position. I discovered during hour 5 that I was using the wrong teleport code that had apparently been sitting in my code base for like a year. 

But a new feature I've added is a very early pass at a "fast travel" idea. I wanna be clear this might not be the final version. But I've had a few requests for fast travel and I've been trying to work out the best way to do it.

The most important thing is that I can't allow the player to fast travel from anywhere at any time. So many events in the game assume you can't just teleport to a location. I try to reduce soft locks wherever possible but teleporting around the maps at any time is a huge danger.

After thinking about it I decided that most of the interesting locations are either in the University, Town or the Beach. If you could just transport between those locations I think that would be a good step in the right direction. So I've created a basic bus system.

With a bus stop in each location that will give you the choice to go to the other two locations. This should reduce the walking time between the major locations. The current plan is to allow you to buy a bus pass at the Beach. I can also shut off the fast travel when important events require it.

That's the big stuff for now. I'm going to get back to work and finish linking this new fast travel system in. After that I'll get back to work on the main game story!




I love the idea of a fast travel option a lot and your decision to make it only this 3 locations is just understandable


Glad you are getting in good work. Everyone appreciates what you do.


Love that the fast travel takes the form of a school bus.


It would be cool if you can see your character Get into a car seat for babies


Oh yeah totally looked at that sort of idea. But like quickly realized it was going to be very difficult to get it to work. Also sorta undermined the whole fast aspect of fast travel.


Yeah probably be hard but it would be cool though you know you’re entering the bus and the bus driver put you in your car seat straps you in and then you go onto your travels destination