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Hey everyone, nothing as exciting to show visually this time. I’ve managed to get a bunch of the dialogue into the characters. It likely won’t be final dialogue but if it is replaced it would just be edited dialogue that at least communicated the same things. Think of it not as placeholder but like a very good draft. In some cases they might just remain the same.

The good news is with all the dialogues written and linked those events now actually make sense and create the full sequence.

There is one moment I’m not 100 percent sure about. Just as a character moment it might be a little too real or slightly less lighthearted than most of the game. But I hope you can see where it’s going so it won’t seem soo out of left field. I can soften it a little but I think it's more powerful as a bigger moment I just don't want it to come off tooo negative.

I’ve got new energy figment locations around the world. I tested last week to see if they would work/unlock properly. A few locations will be obvious but a couple should require some exploring.

I didn’t get as much time this week to work on a few things I wanted too including the new figments in the new area. I hope this week to get time to work on the new area exclusively.

The plan is I want to finish putting in / testing the figments in the lab / post escape. Then make sure the events and a little bit of the new figments and new area are working. Those are my priorities if I can get that done I should be able to push out an update.

That's all for now I'm going to get back to work!



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