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Hey everyone,

Another huge thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn't do any of this without you!

So I've been hard at work creating new content for the next demo.
I've been putting together some arcade cabinets and other fun machines for your character  to use.

So as per my previous post the basic idea is you can play the games in order to win tickets that you can spend on prizes. This basic concept is a great test for the new inventory system. 

I managed to get allot of the basic mechanisms working. You can win prizes, buy items and play a number of the machines!

I'm going to add a few more "games" your character can play and then link them into the existing systems. My hope is with a little bit of effort I can create a prototype of the basic "game" mechanics with games draining your "health"(Brain power) and food/drink allowing you to re-charge.


It really annoyed me that you couldn't use the slides...

So of course I made it so you could use the slide

It's veeerrry basic at the moment. But it got me to thinking about the idea of "play". This resulted in a larger update of player movement. Now when you are crawling you actually take up less room allowing you to crawl through tight spaces. 

So to give you an idea on my current conundrum.

I can make it look like your character is playing with an object. This would probably be done using a procedural animation depending on the item. But as you might expect this looks interesting visually but might not actually be "fun" for you to do.

An alternative might be to play around with the environment. I could build better ways for you to move. Rather than encouraging you to "play" with an object. An alternative could be to make an environment interesting, with slides and ball pits ext.

I could make sure every play "zone" had a number of different play areas where you could slide and do tricks. These could give you some kind of experience or other upgrade material.

This is just an idea right now. But are there any games you remember where you really enjoyed playing around in the environment or with the environment? I'm looking for ways to give the player interesting ways to spend time and get the most fun out of environments.




hmm hard to say without a specific idea. My best times with having fun with the environment and whatnot in fetish games were ones that had a whole mountain of content to it despite their short size. One example is some abdl game called "Allison's adventure in the diaper dimension/D.D." or whatever- despite the fact the game really only had like 7 maps/areas to walk around in, the large amount of things to interact with such as diaper-related "rewards" or punishments, and the character interactions, gave the game a lot of replayability to me. Its a game that could've lasted maybe 10 minutes if you knew what you were doing, but for me you could last an easy 1-2 hours playing it, which says a lot giving its size. Idk how you would exactly incorporate something like that into something this large, but I think the next focus should be on things that can either regress you (mentally or age or otherwise), even if temporarily, just to give the viewer/player a chance to check out all the possible outcomes that could befall your character if you were tricked, trapped, captured, or whatever. That's my idea at least ^^ I also recommend just making it temporary till you get some feedback on the fans of what they do/don't like and so you know what specifically people are looking for next. Cant wait for the next demo, hope its soon!!!!!!!!


Yeah that's a good point. I think I should be able to create a few different ideas. I think that's what I'm trying to do. Make sure you have enough stuff to do to keep you interested!


I like the sound of a lot of the direction you're going with this. Loads to think about, plenty to be intrigued about. I think playing 'with' things, personally, is less interesting than interacting with the environment in different ways. The former feels more just like a visual distraction, and I can't see a lot of functionality to it, from a development or player investment perspective. I think looking to increasing player control and interaction with the game world itself is definitely the better way to go.


When can we expect a new demo?


Now that I have all the nodes working, I've built a bunch of new environment objects. I'm doing nothing but building the demo now. I was trying to get it done within a week. But it's taking a little bit longer than I hoped. I'm hoping about two weeks.


Yeah actually from playing around it feels more fun to play in the environment than with "things" so that's looking like the direction but who knows I'll have to keep experimenting