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Hey everyone!

Huge thank you to all my Patrons! I really appreciate your patience, this is a big project and there is just so much to do.

So obviously the thing people are most interested in is when will the next demo be out. I'm going to have to say about two weeks.

I know you've all been waiting and it's taking a little longer than I wanted but I hope that I'll get everything together.  I've migrated to some proper task tracking software as this project just keeps getting more complicated.

I've now managed to re-implement diaper changes and wedgies which is great. The new navigation system is working in a different environment. I've got most of the actual environmental props I want. I've now fixed the original "customisation" screen so that it works again but only edits how the player looks not what you wear.

I've played with the sliding system. I'm not likely to do any more work on it but I'll let people play around and see what they think.

I'm now writing dialogue and building the graphs for different characters within the "Fun Zone" environment. I'm thinking of a Nursery area, a Play area, Video game area and an "out of bounds" zone.

I'm hoping that the environment might be a little bit smaller but I might be able to put in slightly more complex interactions and of course the new inventory and food/drink system.

So that's where I'm at. I'm going to be powering through the weekend to create the environment. Then I'm going to be spending most of my time creating some characters and things to do.

II hope to have made some good progress by time I give the next devlog.



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