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A another big thank you to my Patrons!

It's been hard going lately with every little bit taking longer than I want. I'm not totally surprised inventory systems are complex and I knew this was going to be a big one.
Unfortunately there are like 7-8 complex systems all overlapping and fighting with each other. Dragging, Using, Saving, Dropping, Swaping, Deselection. Blech....

Basically I have a big house of cards so now I need to start putting weight on it.

You can now use items in the inventory as well as drop items you don't want.
I integrated the new status symbols so they now actually have a purpose.
The diaper system is now fully integrated into the inventory so you can change your own diapers now.
I made it easier to add content to "stores" so that it will be easier to create a trade window.

I'm also experimenting with some items having passive buffs, I have a system I'm going to look to see if that's something I want to continue with.

SO for the moment I'm going to say the inventory is done and it's time to start building the next demo. 

This is always a buggy process and I'm going to find all the ways my system doesn't work. I'm hoping that I'll only have to make minor changes but there is always the chance that I haven't considered a huge factor.


Okay so I'm starting to think about game-play systems.

This won't be party based, it would be a tonne of work to get extra characters to interact or join in to a fight. It also doesn't work great thematically. I want to the focus to be on you as a character rather than about a group of characters. (The player is supposed to sorta be your avatar).

It will also likely be turn based. But I find some turn based games a little bit slow so I want you to be able to set the speed of the fight. So reduce the number of menus and focus on quick turns a fast back and fourth between you and the enemy.

I'm planning on giving you a number of ability slots you can use during a fight. These will be different attacks or even items. These will link to your player stats and levels.

I'm thinking rather than a static Scissors, Paper, Rock system  I'd love something to encourage you to stack different types of ability's and cycle them to get the maximum power.

I'm not looking to create something super hard or even super deep. Something that is just fun and encourages you to unlock new abilities and experiment.

I think having an actual RPG combat type system is going to be important so you have something to do and make the ABDL content feel more special and like it's part of the world. But I don't want to make it feel like a chore, so I want to keep it light and accessible.

Those are my thoughts for the moment,

I'll update you all later this week!




That sounds pretty cool. As fun as it might be to have a party I can see the workload that would add in terms of additional mechanics and dialogue. Maybe for combat you could incorporate a sort of mini-game to determine the effectiveness of your attack and make it a little more engaging. Something like drawing a symbol with your cursor when you're attacking and pressing a sequence of buttons to mitigate incoming damage. Also, will your combat abilities and mechanics be affected by the "factions" you side with? Like maybe if you go with the nursery faction you get a baby rattle you can cast spells with and all the attacks have some cute childish theme to them.


Yeah that was my thinking, my plans are that the factions might have their own ability trees. Trees that unlock based on those factions. As for in game mechanics I haven't got a perfect idea of what I want to do. I'm going to obviously do some experiments but often a bit of a timing component within turn based games can be pretty fun. I think step one will be to create a basic turn based frame work with abilities. Then start expanding it after a few tests to keep adding those little elements like minigame type things but I think that's a pretty decent line of thinking!