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Hey everyone,

As usual huge thank you to all my patrons.

I've been playing around with the inventory and set up a few prototypes using some of the code written over the last couple weeks on the inventory. It looks like everything is pretty stable. Not perfect but nothing has collapsed thankfully.

My current task is I'm reviewing all the graphs and nodes I used to create the previous demo. These were already pretty complex so I'm going through and looking for ways I can simplify/clean nodes so it's a bit easier to read and create. Ideally if I want 1 thing to happen I want one node to do it. Currently it can take anywhere from 1-12 nodes for some common behaviours. A good example is checking to see if the player is wearing pants. This involves checking to see if they are wearing clothing, a skirt or if their outfit has pants. I can compact that into a single node to just say yes or no.

The next demo isn't going to involve much more complex AI but it's a good opportunity to re-write and improve them for the long run.

I'm also planning on ways to bring on contributors for writing. A huge part of the game will obviously be talking to characters. I'm not the best writer and it's a great way to create content people can interact with. But I can't just input a word document, so I'm hopefully going to build a small package that someone could run on their own that would allow them to create dialogue chunks then they can send me a chunk I could just pop right into the game.

But everything is going pretty well I'm hoping to spend a few days creating better, easier to use nodes so I can start building some characters to interact with. If I'm lucky I'll also start building some of the geometry for the new demo environment and I'll show those off next week!



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