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Changes from Alpha (Patch 1):
-Fixed: Liliruca freezing when Welf is not in your party (Thanks Ditto for reporting the bug!)
-Fixed: "Power of a Hero" Quest Marker not disabling on Floor 11, the fix is retroactive. (Thanks necrus1 for kindly reporting the bug!)


-Fixed: Minor typos (Thanks Eric!).
-Fixed: Mana potions correctly work now when ordering Liliruca to use them on you.

-Changed: Companions will now heal after a battle.
-Changed: Nerfed Riposte hit chance (until you get Ushiwakamaru).
-Changed: Battle Token and Boss Battle Token have been redone.
-Changed: When missing an attack with a spell, a different sound will play.
-Changed: Liliruca will now heal Welf in combat, but gives priority to Bell.

-Added: Ushiwakamaru + other puzzle related items.
-Added: Almiraj, Dungeon Worm, Crystal Mantis and Hellhound monsters (+ their item drops).
-Added: Quest "Route to Middle Floors", Quest "The Cave Labyrinth".
-Added: Missing Dungeon Events on Floor 5, 6 and 7.
-Added: "Goblin King", "Kobold King", "Mimic" and "Black Wyvern" monsters.
-Added: Floor 12 and Floor 13.
-Added: 2 CGs.
-Added: 4500 words (~15 minutes gameplay).

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So I went to floor 11 to train with Lili and she just stares into the enemy's eyes while neither fighting or passing her turn on.


If you press F1, type "log" and execute, does it print any red message? If any error is occuring at that point, it should display there. You can close the log by pressing ESC afterwards. If not, try again and if it happens regularly, then share the save with me so I can check if there is a condition in which Liliruca gets stuck (maybe a logic error I made somewhere).


https://mega.nz/file/aR1jHTxC#6RFwrZIT0VVHUyLPtMeHSif2lFR5UWgdIV2q1yW5UjQ Save File https://mega.nz/file/XUkHHbDS#xI_a_YKGxEQQaUmjI7-eqjr-GCbmcA9ap1IYSluUGAE


Since it is displaying errors, can you also share the player.log file since it gives more details? If you are playing on Windows, I included a "Saves" shortcut, so you can reach it by going two folders back. Should be in Appdata/LocalLow/Winterfire/Legacy of Hestia It is generated everytime the game is closed, make sure to close it after the error occurs so the error will be written there. Otherwise there should be another file called "Player-prev" which logs your previous session. In the meantime I will use your save to see if I can replicate the issue.


Nevermind, the log is not needed. I quickly replicated the error with your save. I will fix it right now, thanks for letting me know.


Player log https://mega.nz/file/WBFgGRSR#g1l9FOqNkxC5Sd3PeWGrRm2THyk-NDl0AN2XMcBj9KM


For the moment, you can fix it by getting Welf in your party.


All the bugs reported so far have been fixed with Patch 1, which has been tested on Windows only. Just in case, I will rebuild and reupload the whole fixed release for Linux and MAC alone tomorrow (It's 3am here and I need to zzz) should the patch not work there.


Went back to the outskirts to look for the mushroom collector and seen the bandit respawned by the bridge.


I really suck at disabling events x) It is not high priority so I won't be making a patch for that one, but I'll have it fixed on the next release. Thanks for letting me know.


Rather small but while mapping out floor 12 there is a black pillar that the player can walk through https://mega.nz/file/3FMgmaoB#C9SP8ic8ukednO4YWuK26FDA5Xz0AoiL6YQUi7Pu-QY


Oops. I think I may have disabled the collision there for some reason, and forgot to turn it back on x) Thanks for letting me know.


On floor 13 and I found an exclamation point that doesn't do anything https://mega.nz/file/WNlGGDiL#-TDqWR1p63mJPBVmQHR2L5cJQJAjqevFZGTA6AMOVg8


That is not a bug (luckily! I had a bad streak of major bugs this release). That is the point you will need to reach to start R15 content, so if you save nearby, you can start R15 content right away.

Ditto (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 15:39:17 Kinda hit an odd bug. While using Monster Lure I triggered a battle right as I was leaving the dungeon which caused the battle to end immediately without fighting and locked the dungeon controls (WASD & On screen arrows) upon reentry. Doesn't look like anything odd is showing up when I try F1 - "Log" but it doesn't bring up the save menu either. https://mega.nz/file/aRlgSaQT#j39374xFT_SGhRofku6mIf-ng23bSEtSWhnCHKTQ9BA https://mega.nz/file/GVkEUI5A#tALjdEwLp7jYzIDs3VP47Aqt7a8csjIn4mgaaBSlnqs
2022-04-20 00:27:08 Kinda hit an odd bug. While using Monster Lure I triggered a battle right as I was leaving the dungeon which caused the battle to end immediately without fighting and locked the dungeon controls (WASD & On screen arrows) upon reentry. Doesn't look like anything odd is showing up when I try F1 - "Log" but it doesn't bring up the save menu either. https://mega.nz/file/aRlgSaQT#j39374xFT_SGhRofku6mIf-ng23bSEtSWhnCHKTQ9BA https://mega.nz/file/GVkEUI5A#tALjdEwLp7jYzIDs3VP47Aqt7a8csjIn4mgaaBSlnqs

Kinda hit an odd bug. While using Monster Lure I triggered a battle right as I was leaving the dungeon which caused the battle to end immediately without fighting and locked the dungeon controls (WASD & On screen arrows) upon reentry. Doesn't look like anything odd is showing up when I try F1 - "Log" but it doesn't bring up the save menu either. https://mega.nz/file/aRlgSaQT#j39374xFT_SGhRofku6mIf-ng23bSEtSWhnCHKTQ9BA https://mega.nz/file/GVkEUI5A#tALjdEwLp7jYzIDs3VP47Aqt7a8csjIn4mgaaBSlnqs


Hm... Weird. Back when I made the Monster Lure, I tested a scenario like that and it should simply reset the Monster Lure. Maybe it was about to expire, and it triggered a message alongside all the rest? I'll put that in my to-do list and test it later. Nice find!


It wasn't so much it expiring as it triggered a battle right when my feet hit the stairs to get out which both started a battle and initiated the get out of dungeon event. Not sure but it might have locked the controls to combat since it didn't exit battle properly though that's just my guess.


Hm... That is even more weird as the battle shouldn't trigger when stepping on a token, ever. I guess I could try putting an extra check to make sure the battle does not trigger when the player is heading towards a token.