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In these days I have considered making an early release (tomorrow or so) rather than releasing on the 24th, and that is because I am nearly done adding all the content I had planned for R14.

Floor 12 and Floor 13 have been added with all their monsters, their item drops, and their events (and puzzles).
I have added the missing events for Floor 5 to 7 and made a few changes some of which were suggested, and other to balance the gameplay a bit.
One of those changes was nerfing Riposte until you get the Ushiwakamaru from Welf during the story, which ups the Riposte's usefulness to the current levels.
In short, R14 completely focuses on filling the Dungeon with events, and adding more secrets which will get their own category in their Walkthrough on the next release.

R14 also continues the main storyline to cover the rest of the fourth volume, part of which was already covered in the early releases in order to give the player the possibility to purchase Health Potions and Mana Potions.
The story progress is 4500 words, which is around 15 minutes of gameplay if you consider only the Visual Novel part, in reality it will be a little longer as the Story will take you through Floor 12 and Floor 13.

The reason why I am deciding to make an Early Release is because I would like to start R15 right away in order to have enough time to cover the events of Rivira in a single release rather than splitting it.
Not only there will be plenty of story to cover (Three episodes if you count the anime), but I will be also putting various hentai events there, including the first scene with Liliruca.
Finally, the game story will also take a custom turn in order to introduce Artemis as the main cast and one of the main heroines you can pursue in the game (Rather, she will be pursing you :P).
Ideally, this choice will give me the chance to be able to start covering Season 2 as soon as R16.

See you tomorrow for the release!


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