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Finally, our preview for the next track is finished! ^^ This one being the track to be heard during romantic fitting moments of the game.

There's not too much to mention with this track, other than it'll be heard as we get into the route content of the game. There might be a moment or two that it's heard during episodes 1-5, but it'll be pretty typically heard when feelings between characters are blooming along.

I wanted to make sure the track felt pretty calm and laid back, easy listening to match and work well with the game's moments. Which I'm happy to say I think has been captured pretty well here, but let us know your thoughts as well! ^^

Please check out  composerjf's youtube channel below to see all their previous and  upcoming work! Including  future MA tracks the moment they're finished!  ^^

Credits: ComposerJF


Tender Sweet Memories | Messy Academy OST

Some tender sweet moments. You can check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E_YAu3SbEI ✵▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✵ Music: Available ✵▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✵ Social Networks : Twitter: https://twitter.com/ComposerJF


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