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[Just as a little bit of context for newer supporters/fans. Charlotte is a supporting character that shows up in the game, typically seen around Miki related content.]

These Charlotte outfit additions has been something I've been looking forward to sharing with everyone for a while! ^^ When looking through the supporting characters, I noticed Charlotte, along with Rosa and Allie don't technically have casual outfits.. <.< Sooo! Naturally they'd need them for certain moments in the game!

With that said, let's get right into this preview and discuss the choices in designing the outfits!

~Artist Credits: Lisa

Starting with Charlotte's swimsuit! I've always had the intention in mind that Charlotte is a bit of a mystery in the sense of being mute. It's hard to really get a good impression of what kind of person she is through normal means, making it a bit more up to the player/reader to fill in their own impressions along the way through subtle things like what sort of clothing styles she wears as one minor example. :P

Well.. What you're about to see here today for these previews is what I'd say is some sort of modest, simple taste in clothing. So take that as you will for how to judge what Charlotte as a person is for now, but let's focus on the clothing itself.

In terms of color choices, I feel oranges and yellows mixed with white works well with her overall visuals. I was hoping to shoot for sort of a 50's swimsuit vibe, but with a little modern touch to it. I knew right away that I wanted to go with plaid for her swimsuit and upcoming preview below, not only because I thought it fit her character well, but also because there hasn't been a huge plaid clothing sense for MA's characters. :P

Let's move onto the casual outfit next!

Seems like another fun hint at taking away these previews to figure out what Charlotte's personality is like. :P

So with her casual dress outfit, I more or less wanted it to stay modest and a bit simple, nothing too flashy or to grab attention. It's a bit rough when choosing or limiting ourselves to mainly one casual outfit to choose for a character to help show off what their sense of fashion is like sometimes. I feel like in Charlotte's case, we'd expect to see her wearing dresses similar to this sense or keeping things simple, not too attention grabby.

Now our last preview below!

A casual outfit will need underwear to go along with it during those special events at the academy, right? :P 

I more or less wanted to stick with the color theme of orange and yellow, with some white on this outfit piece. It tosses in a good mix of plaid, slight frills and even a tiny bit of lace to top it off! 

That wraps up the final additions needed for Charlotte! We can expect some similar stuff for Rosa and Allie in the future for their previews, minus a swimsuit as they already have those. But our next sprite related preview will come late this month and focus on showcasing one of our Kickstarter oc's. (one of four remaining.)

Lisa is currently focusing her efforts on the Kickstarter oc's and I do have a task to toss in-between as October comes along, but the rest of this year should have sprite stuff mainly focused on our remaining oc's from the Kickstarter campaign. ^^

With that said, let us know your thoughts on Charlotte's new outfit pieces! Yay or nay?



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