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You asked, we answered.



dump him


Ughh I missed the announcement for questions :’(


You guys need mitten strings but for wallets. Also I wonder how many women had to act unphased during 9/11 and claim it was "typical Bin Laden" just so they wouldn't reveal they got botox in their forehead


All the things she said (all the things she said) This is not enough (enough, enough, enough)

Mathieu Dube

Impressed by the number of female callers.


Cat lady, some thoughts. your BF is allergic to the primal sexual energy cats give off. He’s afraid of his own animal nature and expressing it to you. My childhood allergies disappeared after doing Lsd with a cat. Dr. Andrew Weil made similar claims.


Anna be careful with lasers, they can lead to volume loss! Micro needling + prp is a much safer bet


“The least fat branch” lol. Definitely a Marine.


The mobile chess thing is too fucking real lol. Every man in my life is constantly playing a mobile chess game during every waking moment. The male trait=mobile chess correlation isn’t talked about enough


Am I crazy or are these all in the same voice?


Military pilot guy sounds hot he can hit me up on IG if he wants @B33B0 lmao I would gladly come second to a guys career compared to all my bum exes who had no goals in life


Men’s addiction to chess.com isn’t talked about enough


A message for the person who is interested in transitioning to female: When Dasha said that if it’s a true gender confirmation you’ll know the answer, I have to disagree. There are many cases of people who have transitioned and come to regret it. These are serious, permanent procedures. Please look at the risks and listen to trans people who have regretted transitioning or have detransitioned before making your choice. Nothing comes free in life and if you only listen to the side saying that transitioning will cure you of dysphoria with no serious side effects, know that that isn’t an accurate picture. I wish you all the best.

dan from south jersey

I don't care how much you like chess. If you only see your partner once in a while like that, get off your fuckin phone

dan from south jersey

The fact that you can't bring up questioning this or making absolutely sure, or even claiming that people regret it is crazy


cat lady! severe cat allergies do not go away just with exposure to them. my ex was severely allergic to all animals + pollens but immunotherapy has helped so much. he goes in for allergy shots twice a week for months now (immunotherapy is covered by medicaid too btw). he isn’t done with his shots but he doesn’t need to take any antihistamines after coming into contact w allergens anymore. if your BF wants to move in with you that 2 shots/wk commitment seems pretty minimal, especially since immunotherapy really improves quality of life :)


best love line yet, solid advice all over the place


https://instagram.com/chinglish.poetry extra shameless plug sorry loves 🎎❤️‍🔥🙇🏻‍♀️


Its Dr. Maya Angelou


weighing in on the cat thing - i am allergic to cats. I tried exposure to cats because my boyfriend just brought one home from the shelter one day, and i figured i'd probably get over it. Then i wondered why i was constantly congested and short of breath for like four years, and then we broke up, i moved out, and had no more respiratory problems.


Whoa army guy sounds HOT


My cat > my partner


“Anna, there’s a mouse in your kitchen…” Anna - “oops”


amazing ep


no email reads?! aw man


the autumn leaves are early this year & I am obsessed by this obscure, beautiful song from 1977 Play It Once for Me - Maggie Reilly & Cado Belle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULR-stz-n7s


rip Colin Tully


Immunotherapy for animal allergies works. I’ve been doing it for almost a year and have noticed a difference. They say it takes 3-5 years to feel the full effects


So, is the guy who can’t make (just) friends gay? Could have gone either way


This is what you people sound like?!?!!?


Such good questions this time


How many ums and uhs can fit into a 30 second recording?


To the young guy who was contemplating transitioning, if you read this comment, PLEASE take a moment and pause. Yes, there is long documented cases of people with GD, who ultimately undergo transition, and proceed to live a happy life... However, the discourse around this topic is fraught with misinformation and nefarious motives. You are 19, and will be signing up to become permanently relying on medication FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! A few questions to consider: did your earliest memories consist of being dysphoric, or is this a recent (the past few years) development. Individuals who fall into the former category are typically more suited to transitioning in SOME cases. Finally, please understand, this absolutely will not fix/fulfill all that ails you. There’s support out there, but please be discerning about where you seek it 🙏❤️🙏


You should fist your girlfriend if you love her…sage advice


my voice is so faggy in this fml


Why is everyone so damn young? Makes me think I need to get a life. Are there any older listeners? I’m 35 :)


Sneaky lmfao


honestly I would argue that new age spirituality is bigger now more than ever


"Aspergian" girl-- https://www.rookiemag.com/category/sex-love/ There's 13 pages of articles, which sounds like a lot, but it'll really help (even if you think the site's a little twee). It addresses those anxieties without adding to them or pretending they can be cured by, like, matcha tea and random breathwork routines. Also read up on stuff related to "sensory processing sensitivity" although you may mostly see HuffPo stuff. Sometimes you *can* find useful info on websites that also insultingly act like hyperawareness can be treated with listicles and Pinterest


What about all the email questions ?!


I am a half Asian girl who would move to Japan hell yeah … for a pilot! Hook me upppp

admiral stiffplank

hahaha fuck these episodes are always such shitshows, I love em


classic polish dad stuff


Can you guys react to the leandra medine cutting room floor interview? 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Paying top money, to live in the top city with mice and cock roaches in your house??? Omg 👌


I had the exact same thought but then I realized that no one but the very young would ask these two for life advice so it only appears that the listenership is so youthful. -39


Babes Salma is married to the Kering guy, not LVMH. Love the pod!


to the girl with the chess mobile boyfriend my ex was the same so maybe projection but … tbh i think he’s just not that into you ??? Or deserving of u… U deserve better !!!!!!!!! A guy who wants to see u when he’s with u. Sorry to preach goodbye


No, Dasha was right, first he needs to know he can play potzers for money at his local park just like Stanley Kubrick. If he beats them "narrowly" they keep coming back until he and the girlfriend can live off the proceeds of his chess grift


what the heck I thought Anna said injectables create autoimmune disorders. Girl keep strong, don't do it!


these are annoying


I noticed during the cast, that when the “fisting” question was asked, Dasha made the adamant claim that she had never tried it and had no desire too. Anna just laughs nervously in response, and remains suspiciously quiet.


Anna has such bad listening comprehension lmfao


Have you ever watched the Muppets? How do you think Animal reaches all those drums? Be polite, we don't need to notice everything


Happy you said this. There are definitely ways to work with it but the shot is best way


I don’t normally care for the Love Line eps, but this one had some especially tender moments. I love what sweet Dasha said about her affinity for Jewish people. The way she explained it was very touching.


Hahaha the unexpected name drop/dox was exciting and funny


are they gonna drop that pilot’s contact or 🥵


wish they didn’t edit out whatever hilarious and tastefully racist thing anna said at 1:22:17


you get poison for mice - u put the poison in little box things so the cat doesn't eat it


@ pilot - one of my friends wanted to work abroad for a summer in college so she got a lifeguarding gig on an military base in japan, met an american guy who was in the army, and 3 years later they just got married. you never know!


Hi Anna and Dasha. I'd love to hear your thoughts on UnHerd columnist Mary Harrington. Would you consider having her on the pod? What are your thoughts on her brand of reactionary feminism?


I have been told you should NOT do a lot of core strengthening when pregnant like Pilates bc if your core muscles are too tight and can lead to a much longer labor, better to let your body soften a bit during the pregnancy so you have an easier birth


South Carolina bro really went through the “Jews have horns” greatest hits list and thought he was hilarious. Go meet a real Jewish person if you can locate one down there man, you’ll find we are alluring af :)

Zoya Hassan

I wonder what you guys think of Fleabag?


lol ok. God’s chosen people sure do be feeling they self.


Lol the dude that said "I'm sure you were young women at some point" was met with Anna and dasha saying he sounded gay and had an unfortunate and unsexy voice. So much for not emasculating men lmao


Pretty sure they’re talking about not doing that to your own man and this is probably going to change that guys life for the better, be happy for him.


Okay, military pilot guy, hit me up on IG @violettapsych . I’m a young, Slavic girl who just want to meet a masculine guy lol. I work in tech, so don’t have problem relocating either


Right??? I'm Japanese and I was masochistically waiting for anna's derogatory takes on Japan


I find this more enjoyable than the regular episodes.


Yes, I gasped at Pilates and pregnancy. Gentle yoga, yes.


57 and happily married—to anyone who calls in with a relationship problem—the answer is “BREAK UP.” This is always the correct answer—the right relationship is easy and fun.


Living together can be overrated.


@ylimehuizenga for funny/smart/normal/moral military guy. Talk to ya soon!


@pilot pls hmu😉


too late now, but i had a horrible cat allergy my whole life, and it's definitely gotten better as all my friends and lovers had cats. and i was forced to be around them BUT it took a whole decade and now i am only slightly allergic to cats. allergy shots, claritin, or specific cats are better with allergies.

