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The ladies discuss the true story behind Cat Person, why canned fish is hot girl food, how TikTok became a hub for the dissociative identity disorder community

Our next one is a love line. Submit your burning love and sex questions to (567) 307-0497 or redscarepodcast69@gmail.com. Please keep it short and sweet!



It's the Euro championship so it was just European teams. World Cup = world obviously. Also autofiction is, like, say, when the protagonist is a writer of fiction published in the New Yorker. Characters and events have to reflect the author's publicly known autobiography. Cat Person and the Rooney story are just regular fiction. Akk-ro-meg-a-lee, not "acremagolly" wtf Anna. Congrats, this podcast is more made-up than Cat Person. Your brain run by goblin, pull him out and beat him


Oo bright and early today good morning!!!! Once again, I love and appreciate you!


I've been getting into sports too just for the petty drama lol

Ben Seales

Enjoyed the Sally Rooney sizzle. I’m Dasha leaning on that. Rooney said in some YouTube thing years ago that she wants to write ‘the perfect Marxist novel... but I haven’t done it yet’ 🤔


I like the idea of sports having "primaries"


"Here's how Bernie can still make the men's national team"


Canned olives is the ultimate hot girl food


Get Cat Power on the pod

Ben Seales

Yeah can we get a few more libbers and wokers on the pod in general? Just like for half an ep per month via zoom or something so they don’t bleurgh out... just to boost the sizzle a bit...


Canned tuna in EVOO/reg olive oil is decidedly *not* cheap. Each can that I buy is an annoying $7-9. Sardines don't register for me as an option to eat as that's just GROSS to eat. Stop doing that to yourself and buy tuna instead (preferably Ortiz).


Also: the skinniest and most toned I've ever been was when eating a LOT of fish in tins, granola bars, ground chicken, and cottage cheese (Good Culture is legit delicious). I was also going to yoga six days a week with all the women I was in a book club with. This ep is really taking me back.


I just jumped on YouTube to check out a DID compilation. Here's a plot twist: they're actually histrionic personality disorder


Anna and Dasha were also ripped off in the premiere episode of White Lotus.


What’s the sally rooney story they were talking about?


this one has fun ambient sounds


Whens the next loveline?


Unread Messages in the New Yorker https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/12/unread-messages/amp


Just gonna say it- Tik Tok is like a curated app of the worst kind of person in any demographic / community imaginable lol


Does one of you live in silent hill? So many spooky industrial sounds in the background


Hearing these two talk about literature is the fucking *worst*. All of their NYC hipster baggage on display in the most annoying way possible. Seriously need to stfu


Hipster???? Literally just take out your headphones you stupid 2010 ass bitch


1st time in 50 years I’ve had to skip ahead… who gives a shit about this Cat People crap… so strange.


Great ep! Love you girls, keep shining☀️


You know, it was annoying for the same reason the Cat Marnell episode was—insider nyc cool guy bullshit. I guess RS still has a bunch of fans from those circles if this forum’s vibe is any indication.

W Milly

Am I listening to an ad for fishwife?


Omg i remember my mom making me a torta in elementary school and it had chorizo and eggs and the napkin was all greased up dry with orange and I remember being so embarrassed with all the kids eating cold pizza lunchables. and then later I heavily convinced my mom to buy me some lunchables and she did. And I was so proud showing it but then I was starving the whole day eating that poor delivery of “sustenance”


where are we on anchovies? hot or not


i love nick braun!!! no bias needed he'll do great


this i recommend, it's EXCELLENT: https://www.amazon.ca/Tin-Fish-Gourmet-BARBARA-JO-MCINTOSH/dp/1551921588 i


Red scare just mentioned in Dissent article re: Adam Curtis.


“We sometimes like to just go to Starbucks on weekends and take an L. L. Bean catalog and I’ll say, “Honey, what’s new?”




Going back to school to become an MFT... All I can say is, legitimately, the inmates are running the asylum. The professors are spineless and there’s more projected harm from the “mental health field” than help atm. No hyperbole, it’s honestly dark and keeps me up at night. If you need mental health assistance, be VERY wary of woke &/or young therapists...


Never heard of Cat Person, but I loved “Cat Power”!!!


Anna nailed it—infantilizing adults and ’adultizing’ children. Great discussion of Tik Tok—would like more. I got my five bucks worth.


Ladies, try cole's smoked rainbow trout. divine!


“Online asylum” - Anna 💕


I love-hate y’all and just wanted to hard disagree with your approach to what is essentially Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) being applied to DID. This past year I was a secondary therapist to six clients with: DID, schizophrenia, schizo-affective, and/or BP1, and usually PTSD or another trauma diagnosis, an eating disorder, depression diagnosis and an anxiety one. From my experience whether it’s a person experiencing psychosis or not deliberately dissociating, they are more likely to experiencing greater control over themselves if they accept the hallucinations, delusions, or intrusive identities as apart of themselves and learn to connect those experiences to their traumas. The idea of then excising it all is not psychiatry taking over people’s minds so much as dignifying how fucking hard it must be to live in that person’s body. I will never be able to listen to “Zombie” by the Cranberries again because of a client who once for a brief second connected his sexual abuse from his mother and the bleach she would pour on him when she caught him masturbating, to his inability in the present to masturbate without thinking of the demon, have sex with a woman without crying, and his frequent bicuriousity which he would punish himself with my self harming, and how all of this trauma probably informs why he experiences voices in his head. He basically coherently experienced a cohesion of the decades of therapy this late 50’s man had received while we listened to a song about trauma of children in Ireland during the Troubles being stuck in someone’s head. And when the song ended he completely fell back apart to a deeply psychotic person. IDK mental health is a shit show and we should give ACT a chance to be proved wrong or right.


and this person isn't it some type of mental health facility, why?


Are you saying that these kids who are putting up videos displaying an image of their apparent DID as a form of therapy for them? If so it is an interesting theory but I think there is also a problem in this behaviour because a lot of it seems to have a level of performativity which is disingenuous. I think that it is encouraging basically children to self diagnose and identify with a typically rare mental illness. At any rate precocious behaviour? Whatever the motive is I doubt it to be therapeutic.


Like I think all kids when growing up want to have glasses or have a broken arm or have what is seemingly a special quality that makes them inevitably more interesting. Albeit without realising that mental illness is actually a more insidious, painful and inescapable at times. I think this behaviour is somewhat malignant and to give children the ability to self diagnose you give them a prescident in which to follow for a number of years. Who knows but I agree that I would never let my child post shit like that


She likes doing covers. Some stripped down tatu could be v nice