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The ladies discuss #JewishPrivilege trending, Wayfair's kids in cabinets trafficking drama, Kanye teasing a presidential bid, and The Guardian's sexist skyscrapers piece. Suggested reading below.

Leslie Kern, 'Upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating into the sky' — do cities have to be so sexist? 



thank fuck i’m so bored


A pod within 3 days of the last pod?!??! Girl bosses!


i was sooooo waiting for this pod subject


Buy my shirt lmao http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub=5575378759&campid=5338273189&customid=&icep_item=264791316752&ipn=psmain&icep_vectorid=229466&kwid=902099&mtid=824&kw=lg&toolid=11111


For a second there it seemed like my thoughts were just appearing on the internet as comments, was going to dial back the meds... either way, agreed.


Re: this article I'm so bummed when I see shit about how domestic violence spikes during lockdown. I worked at a DV agency that did state wide data monitoring, and I was there for the first few months of covid. instances of reported DV and SA did not spike. Access to services like restraining orders did decline (hm probably because they closed the courts). It's a myth that proximity instigates violence, that's not a claim we can confidently make. Although we were outright harassed by local media to verify this narrative, despite the numbers not matching People are so fucking eager to remember about DV when they have a point to make


I hope one day "packing up my hentai figurines and hitting the old dusty trail" and "bindle of anime ingenues showing hole" get used in a forged letter that's then read in a PBS documentary


Leslie "Karen" amirite?


Indulging the parody of voting for Kanye because "everything is fucked and Trump can do it, so..." is just a sublime endorsement to secure the ladies' grift for their nihilistic podcast audience in years to come lol


every time one of you says herd immunity i wet myself


"She's not, her name is Linda" lol. Linda's a perfectly fine name... Also, wtf, "Bakeation of the Flesh" (55:00ish)? EDIT: nm, baecation not bake-ation. Unsubscribing


That stylish couple is looking a lot less cool. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020/07/couple-held-guns-black-lives-matter-protestors-sued-keep-gays-neighborhood/


Pleeease make merch. I wanna get milkshaked.


Dasha's low energy bringing out her Marianne Williamson voice ... 🥵🙏🥴


Anna asks Dasha to “womansplain” something to her and I’d like to introduce the phrase “femmesplain” as a substitute


Did you guys see Ellen Pao's tweet about having Ghislaine at a party a few years back and it was common knowledge she was a pedo and no one did anything? I tried to post it to the redscare reddit and got the notice that it violated their terms........sussssssss


Can u girls talk about save Britney


Great ep. Only pushback is re Feminism as the scab - it’s more that Feminism and every minority group gains equality ground gets capitalised by Corporatism which doomed the working man, then/now the working woman; marketed the civil rights movement from slavery to free slavery; and of course the LGBT community who were made to feel like outcasts for not being nuclear normal and now post marriage equality are being made to feel like freaks for not getting married and adopting POC kids. 🥴🥴🥴 It all comes down for Corporatism more than the other ‘isms. 😎


You guys have very good takes on religion, but you're projecting them onto Kanye. I don't think he's saying what your saying. He's just an idiot with a messiah complex, and I think you're being too generous.


I mean come on, 'Not everyone's going to Heaven'? 'God is King'? No he's not! That doesn't sound like christain philosophy, but more like christian theocracy.


No they rock and you’re a bitter loser like every other crypto lib


Gee-lane’s haircut haunts my dreams- a Kris Jenner soccer mom mash up from hell


Lolled p hard when Dasha said "Your kid's such a piece of shit they can't even get into USC?!"


This ep was pure fire. Was cackling to myself often. Especially the roll at the end “what do you want a bloody hole in the middle of the city “ You’re right about Kanye’s instincts too.


My sheets are Coyuchi too. I like the linen for summer. :))


Check out Gabor Matè and I happily await Dasha’s Anime