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The ladies discuss the Harper's Letter and its discontents, the bid to cancel Jon Rafman and the new culture war no one asked for: public sex. Suggested reading below.

Ana Valens, Public sex is at the center of a queer culture war 



Dasha and Anna back to form here. 10/10


Anna's take on the fragmentation of different sub-groups of Black in the intersectional oppression stack is so on point - https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2017/10/09/cornell-students-revive-debate-whom-colleges-should-count-black

Justin T. Palmer

Does anyone else get uncomfortable when Anna says “up in thurr”


I can’t even listen to Anna say black trans women are the most protected


These women sound like when Marnie dated Booth Jonathan in Girls. She is deluded but not this deluded


Googled PMC unsuccessfully.


@Andy https://carewage.substack.com/p/communicating-collective-life


I want for to sex Dasha inside of a church.


If you guys are interested in specific regional Canadian cancellations/ woke offs (no) there is a SCANDAL rocking the Toronto queer tattoo community that you truly have to see to believe @rat666tat (story/post)


Love the show. Love and respect Anna’s hot takes. But gotta say it’s pretty fucking ridiculous to say Black transwomen are the “most protected” and that they hold any power.

Tommy York

What was the Zizek piece / commentary on the psychology of transition from regressive to progressive society?


I think she means "most protected" as in they can get away with making accusations, especially calling a person a racist/transphobe/whatever, and be given the full benefit of the doubt because of how oppressed they are. Everyone has to think really, really hard before they make the decision to dispute something a Black person OR a trans person claims as their "lived experience," but a person at the intersection of those identities is considered beyond the bounds of criticism.


I am always kinda bemused by the way you guys fawn over greenwald. I mean the letter was pretty stupid in the way that it is basically just shit that up until like a few months ago looked like some kind of table stakes school-marm declaration before a high school debate. The reaction to it is the only thing that made it interesting at all. Most "signatories" or whatever did so probably without even thinking about it, on a "liked it on the facebook" way. Glen prolly wasn't included due to him basically penning hit pieces on same team thinkers all the time to look "iconoclastic" or whatever the hell. I like the guy when you all talk to him, but there is no denying how petty some of the shit he does out there. Even if he was asked he would probably had refused it in some kind of "act of valor" and made a twitter stream about it. IDK, I guess change my mind. Show me some great stuff he has done to counter my view. Like I said, when I have heard you guys speak to him, I like the guy as a person. But as often is the case, twitter makes smart people stupid and stupid people relevant. Idk, feeling cute, might delete later. Keep it up ya'll!


Dasha didn’t listen to that episode of rogan in an Uber. Also, I don’t know if this is too stuoid but I’ve recently seen some shit on insta about a ‘cult’ called ‘day life army’...idk if more about this shit will come up on red scare adjacent twitter but a take from y’all on it would probably be funny.

Nic Turner

Damn, this episode was 🔥🔥🔥


Can you guys actually make more merch. I know u always joke about it, but I need the I survived the art world tee that u talked abt


I feel really disappointed in the cancel culture discourse. On one side there's the people who want to cancel people for things they said years ago that were acceptable at the time. Then on the other hand there are people like Barold Weiss who claim to want an almost fully open discourse, but have also engaged in cancel culture through trying to cancel pro-Palestine voices. There aren't enough people with the balls to admit that politics is a competition between ideological groups, and we tolerate a certain amount of deviance from our views, but not too much, and what's acceptable is always changing.


What problem do you have with Glenn in particular? Sometimes I think we internalize smears we’ve heard against people, even if we later learn it’s not true. The emotional content of the smear sticks with us (this plays a huge part in sustaining hysteria about Trump and Russia, for example).


this was cool thx


The "OOPS" at 25:13 killed me.


Please make that shirt


The Israel Palestine issue is marginal and only animates Neocons, Muslims and DSA nerds who spend too much time online. Conservatives are the only people actually fighting this battle. You should let them be hypocrites on a single foreign policy issue, because the neolibs are coming for you guys next.

Nick Thomson

Dasha's Lisa Simpson cackle is my new favorite thing


*Plot Twist* @surviving_the_art_world is actually created and run by Jon Rafman as his latest work of post-post-Internet art


Non-Binary definitely does not contradict the pillars of trans politics - it is the backbone of trans politics. That binary definition of trans politics is one that is enforced from a non lgbtq perspective and is perpetuated out of necessity to conform and to be validated rather than one that comes from within the community. There's a really wonderful video of Leslie Feinberg and Kate Bornstein (90's i think?) where they talk on that. And to Sarah's point, there is no essential gender, and transgression of gender for many trans people (AMAB or AFAB) very commonly falls under a non-binary experience as gender as we know it does not make sense, it's just a construct we use to navigated certain social structures. How individual's choose to identify in that structure is whatever, I think the PMC analysis is pretty interesting and somewhat insightful, but I don't think that necessarily means GNC people isn't real? If GNC isn't real gender isn't real.




When Rosanna Arquette plays the hot coked up dyke legend Cherie Jaffe on The L Word.....


They think they deserve respect because they let someone fuck them. Jesus. Have some goddamn agency. To use sex as a tool to try and command respect is pathetic.


You are sooooo right about social media.... https://thepostmillennial.com/progressivist-media-are-scared-of-red-scare-they-should-be/


"touching the hem of truth" 👍🏽❤️


Came back to comment to say that I am pretty sure the Jon Rafman thing is fake. Like, I think he probably made the website and solicited accusations from e-girls he's fucked in the past. So, the accounts are real and written by real women. There's just a "man" behind the account (Jon) so there's no "woman" filtering the submissions to manipulate the audience into thinking he's done anything really bad *because he as an artist knows he hasn't done anything bad.* I clicked the link on the instagram that is crowdsourcing Rafman's callouts, and under "Is there anything you want Jon to know?" I said, "This whole thing makes me want to have sex with Jon Rafman, here's my number."


in any case it's still the most revealing portrait of the female art hoe ego I've ever seen in art. thanks, ladies, for being honest about female sexuality. god bless :)


honestly, it's so hard to tell what cultural impulses are legitimate since watching the Century of the Self. Our culture has been so heavily manipulated by advertisers and glowing philosophers


i like kantbot


This is the first ep ive listened to in months and only because dasha replied to my comment where i called her a whore


sam delaney (“chip”) and i went to the same cafe for a couple years. he’s cool as shit, but i cant read his writings bc i know him (even as a passing acquaintance)—does that make sense?


When they say enjoy, I tried so hard to


Northern England vibing at the moment


great discussion, love it


insta is the pits


Thank you for your intro to Samuel Delany.


"who is this guy" absolutely never would have expected 45 minutes of Delaney talk on Red Scare of all places… he's a science fiction writer from the "new wave" era that brought Margaret Atwood and J.G. Ballard… recently said something to the effect of “I wrote science fiction because it was the only way I could write about being gay in public. I don't have to do that anymore, so I don't." absolute legend. try "Dhalgren"


re glenn exclusion - it's probably because of the tara reade stuff


Where can we find the essay on 'networking'?


this one rules


I know that I'm super late to the game but def had someone make accusations against me. We had solely consensual interactions and I lost interest. Months later I came to find out that she was spreading shit that I had forced myself on her. This episode hit v close to home for me. TY for what you two say and how you say it.