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To the hardcore subscribers, many thanks for boosting my numbers this month. Over double the count I started the month with, and so close to 100. Never had that on here. Now here's the bad news. These are sessions that I've made over the course of the week that I started and had no clue how to progress with. It primarily came down to me giving up on the idea because I wasn't into it, or motivation died partway, or the face I wanted to apply didn't / wouldn't work properly, etc. I think my obsession with hyper-realistic faces, particularly by forcing a certain actress or four, played a big part. It made it feel like everything had to resemble the same type of scenario. If I break away from that I can start clearing things as I see fit. It would also help diversify scenarios, like things that aren't necessarily typical sex. I'm showing these so you know that there are concepts that I toiled over since my last public post. It was a good week that allowed free time to be able to churn out rapid sessions like this. If only I had substantive progress on even one of them. They're all kind of in the same place of being stuck in WIP. I'll go back to the drawing board and not focus on hyper-real celebs as much. It's what I've been doing for several months now and I need to recognize that as much as I love doing that and it looks really good when pulled off right, it might be hindering me if I only force myself to do that. I'll scale it back to regular default model faces, be it celeb or anon and that'll lower the unrealistic bar I set up. It's going to be a much busier work week this time so I'll do what I can. Once again, thanks for the support!



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