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Hi, there. How was your day? I spent mine doing spot render after spot render, throttling my CPU to 100% because VRAM is always surpassed on the GPU in this session. While sitting around waiting for them all to be done (which I'm only 60% done), I went online and started custom building a new PC that I know I can't afford yet and won't buy. A man can dream. Doing spot renders to clean up certain areas is not new. I've done it many times before. But what makes this particular one a pain in the ass is the resulting light effect called "fireflies / noise" (click the second picture). There are settings enabled to reduce them, but it's not always successful. In this case, it wasn't successful. Denoiser fails to get rid of them too. It'll mean more work on my part to manually edit them out literally one by one. RIP hands. But I'll get it done. I like the pose, I like the made-up head-canon, I love my girl, and make use of a worthy enough model. I won't quit on one.



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