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Monday Update!

Hi Everyone! It’s Monday! It's Labor day here in the USA, today, so if you're in the USA, enjoy your barbecue hot dogs or whatever you do for Labor Day. <3
Last week was mostly a production wash because I was answering emails until Friday, doing household (roof) maintenance I’d been putting off on Saturday and then slept most of Sunday because the week destroyed me. Boo!
This week should be much better as I’m starting off mostly caught up on emails, and once I get to zero at the end of today, I’ll let that get behind again so I can have another huge production week like I did the week before last. <3
That said there’s new cool stuff to talk about! Equigon Season 1 had a freaking ton of players and the first season has concluded <3 The top 3 at the close of the season were:

  • Asd256
  • BigBacSacNCracintosh
  • cloppypony

If you’re one of those people, email me at [email protected], identify yourself and the service you're on so I can find you, and I’ll ask you some questions on what your prize will be <3 We wanted the prizes to be awesome/available in our weird availability world that we live in, and decided that premium toys from VaaChar would be perfect for the winners. If you live somewhere that you can't get/don't want a silicone bodypart mailed to you, just let me know. You have 14 days to identify yourself! <3
Equigon Season 2 is waiting on eqCy stuff, so it isn’t starting right away, but as soon as those things are done we’ll do a big announcement and game update with the season 2 features. You can still play the Season 1 build until Season 2’s out. I need to make a horse that doesn’t generate angry letters for it :P
The plan for this week and next week is to work hard on the interaction system so I can generate a build with that in it.
New keys are available in the usual spots!



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