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September Week 4 Director Commentary video!

Hi Everyone!
It’s Monday! No new build this week unfortunately, but I do have a pretty fun video talking about the stuff I worked on. Sorry about not getting the video out before now. I was entirely sure I would have a full build today and I figured that would justify my failure to make the video, but nope! Skunk’s infamously bad time estimates strike again.
The delay is a consequence of a more robust penis-grab system that lets you grab dicks with multiple hands and/or your mouth, so that’s cool. There’s utility in that. I also wrote a pretty slick potential energy system for storing energy inside a penis and then releasing it when you let the penis go. This converts the potential energy into kinetic energy, and is some really cool penis math. We shall call it “Cockulus.” Try it at home if you personally possess and/or have access to an erect penis! Everybody wins with this experiment, I promise you!
This week was a busy one of programming in Besti X, the Extreme Content Project, and “The Equigon” which is a new standalone game that was supposed to be done today. I talk all of that in the video above.
I’m very behind on emails but I’ll get back with you ASAP if you’ve written in! Thanks for your patience.
Here’s the changelog this week:
  • Further improved performance for avatars without fingers.
  • Added the internal-side stuff to permit you to re-define grab attach points on a per-avatar basis. This will allow hands to grab objects differently if the avatar has unusual hands, and will allow character creators to define where objects rest in the hands of the character. I need to make the tools for this still but now it's there to have tools made for it.
  • Pointers no longer collide with your real hands. This was never intended to happen and was interfering with the virtual scale system when you define yourself as a very small character.
  • Defined a point in space to calculate the position of a character's mouth. We'll make a tool for defining this in the N-Entrance tool. For now though I just need a vector3 out of it.
  • Added the ability to define a grabbable object as grabbable only by a specific controller. This is useful for situations where you have independent grab movement for a left and right hand (giant weiner for example) or a specifically handed object that you wish to deny the ability to pick up with one hand.
  • Added a unique grab behavior for a character's mouth. Objects that can be mouth-grabbed automatically mouth-grab when they intersect with this point. At present this grabs objects that can not physically move and serves as a secondary type directional grab, but if people want to role play as a character without hands to grab with by choice we can add additional functionality to give you a mouth-grab button or something. I'll need feedback on that.
  • Modified the hand interactors to be angled slightly differently. Object orientation wasn't matching the rotation properly between hands.
  • Added some additional meta data to the hand location. It's impossible to do a normal vector direction calculation (vector3target-vector3source) when the points are identical. Now there's an always available "up" vector from the hands that I can use to code against.



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