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New build! Fun! "*GURK!*"

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for your patience during the fires. There's a brand new build on the servers, and I'm going to do the video in a day or two. I made an awesome new oral behavior in Besti 9 for all friend types done from the Pony On Top position. Grab his/her head and to go to town. It's a fully-featured behavior with Besti Toy compatibility. I had a lot of requests for this so hopefully you like it. I like it I'm proud of it.

The video is delayed for a few reasons:

  • Reason for the delay #1: There's something I want to show you and I need permission from the content creator to do it. It's probably in my emails so I'm going to answer my emails, first.
  • Reason for the delay #2: I want to film the new office space and show it to you. I couldn't concentrate on programming so I wired up the place, and I want to update on the progress there. 
  • Reason for the delay #3: I've been working non-stop for 3 days animating and programming the new build that's on the servers and I need to sleep :P

Everyone will get the video as an apology for the wildfire delay and I want to talk about it <3

Let's talk about the fires a little bit! I haven't participated in too many record-setting natural disasters so it was pretty new for me last week.

It was a VERY stressful period until Friday, when it suddenly dumped an inch of rain on us. The sun hadn't risen since the fires started, so to see a blue sky and sunshine this weekend made everyone here cry. It was also an incredible feeling to go outside, because the air was completely toxic all last week. It was so bad it was rated at "Beyond Index" because they didn't design the air quality warnings to go that high. It made you feel physically ill to spend more than a few minutes outside.

Inside wasn't much better. It was so bad, check out my INTERIOR air filter that just processes the internal air in my house. This is where the air was "clean." 

That's after just shy of 5 days of use. It's full of soot. I'm going to frame that and keep it as a souvenir.

My step dad and one of my sisters had to evacuate which was scary. Step dad is an angry old man that didn't want to leave because he was convinced bandits were going to rob him.

Funny story: I was watching the fires on the map as they crept towards my step dad's house. This was on Wednesday. He was ordered to evacuate and he refused. 
"I have wet towels I'll be fine.
"Wet towels?"
"Yes for the door."
"That isn't going to work, dad.
"Well I don't want someone to steal my TV."
"Nobody wants your janky TV you couldn't give that thing away."
"Well the fire isn't near here anyway.
"The map says it's a 1/4 mile away. Time to go."
"It isn't nobody came by to tell me."
"Because everyone's already evacuated. Seriously go outside if you climb the hill in the back yard you'll see the fire."
"...well I can't see the hill..."
"Time. To. Go. Come over to <sister's> house in Salem it's where I'm going to go if it gets any closer to me. It's like 8 miles from here."
"OK... fine... let me pack up a few things"

2 hours later I get a call from one of my sisters

"Dad just dropped off a bunch of cats and literally a truckload of guns."
"Oh good... wait... a truckload of guns?"
"I'm not fucking with you he has like 50."
"WHERE DOES HE KEEP THOSE? Did you know he had that?"
"NO! I've never seen any of these, and now I have cats and a mountain of guns in my garage. What do I do?"
"Well scoot it over because when I come over you'll have to make room for my mountain of rubber horse vaginas."
"Dammit you're so fucking gross!"

Anyway, many of my local friends did need to be evacuated so it was just a lot of chaos and telephone calls all week. A good friend of mine is a cow farmer (I live among the hill people) and he couldn't bring his cows so that was upsetting to him. Only friend I haven't been able to reach does horse competitions in the local rodeo (again, hill people) so that worries me, because the fire was on her property so I assume she had her hands full transporting animals around. The county set up a free farm animal rescue area at the place where they do the fair, but then THAT had to be evacuated too, so I bet it was just hell for the large animal people around here. Get all the animals far away, and then the freaking fire just follows them so they have to do it again. I'm glad they set that up for people though. If you like real horses don't Google pictures; it'll make you sad to see the horses with the nebulizers on them due to the smoke inhalation.

Houses I played in as a child no longer exist, and the town where Veelicious and I had our first date (Talent Oregon) basically burned down. They had to cancel my kid's school because so many teachers had to evacuate and couldn't do their work. It's very sad, but I feel very lucky that the only thing we suffered here was lost productivity, some mild respiratory issues, and my basil plant and a rosebush from lack of sunlight (RIP Skunk's plants.)

Needless to say last week was pretty fucked up. I had a hard time concentrating enough to do my normal programming stuff, so I made you porn instead. You like porn, right?

I try to be professional over here but shit goes out the window when it's deadly to go outside, you can't see the sky, and everyone's freaking out. I sat and talked to Omni for like an hour where we went over my evac plan and stuff so big shout-out to Omni for doing that with me while I was tripping out. I was just a mess. I even got a letter from an awesome nearby fan offering us a place to stay when we were evac'd. I adore you folks and that really made me feel great. One of my favorite things about fan communities is that we care about one another, and I hope we can always keep that up.

This week should be relatively normal. I'm going to do emails over the next couple days and then finish one of these damn near-done projects <3 Emails tomorrow and a video covering the new build and some other things as soon as I'm done filming a few things for it!

Besti 9.91

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when returning to the main menu from an untracked VR scene.
New Features
  • A new behavior has been added for male and female friends to the Pony On Top position. This is an oral sequence you can do with friends. Om nom nom!



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