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WIN: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0qrg93kwb59dlzv/Adastra-12-1-win.zip/file

MAC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/y75q079pbgf9cci/Adastra-12-1-mac.zip/file

Linux: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ovidxkmcybozwmj/Adastra-12-1-linux.tar.bz2/file

Android: http://www.mediafire.com/file/l4qfhx6wewi6obg/Adastra-12.1-release.apk/file

In which you learn about death.

As you might be able to tell by the title, this update got a bit big. I found myself having a hard time finding a stopping point in the scenes that follow this update. I did not want to delay it any longer for you guys, so I've decided to split it into two parts, similar to what I did for build 9. The update size is smaller than average Adastra builds I've done in the past, more on par with an Echo update, however, once I finish the second half, it will be quite a bit longer. If you'd like to wait for the full build, I plan to release the second portion on the 5th (and I promise it WILL be released that day, as it is mostly written). Still, a lot happens in this update, in fact you could say it's all been building up to this.

Sorry if this is a bit disappointing, I really did have some issues with the story here, and again, the holidays caught me by surprise somehow. Anyway, to me the biggest issue is that it all feels a bit rushed, but you can let me know if it's bothersome in the comments and I'll see what I can do about fixing it before pt. 2. Also, corrections for any errors or typos are also welcome!




When will the android version be released? Or maybe is it possible to transfer my save to pc? I tried, but it crashes the game

Jeremy Hybrid

Damn it, I’m crying so much right now. Beautiful writing howly, I only noticed tht when we first meet Alex he says Marco instead of the users name and in the theater there’s an Quietly, sit down... the i is missing . Can't wait for part 2!!


Not gonna lie fam it's real sad boy hours right now, every click of the mouse was like a knife in my heart


well time to start an emotional support group for this game cause that absolutely destroyed me.


Holy moly, what a bombshell update. I'm honestly really grateful you made the decision to split it into parts, but still, this is gonna be on my mind all through Christmas! I guess I can always look at Haps' festive art of the characters to put my heart at ease...




Time to go buy a new laptop mine is now tainted with an unforgettable depression


Good writing though gotta day it takes a lot to make me literally throw away a whole computer go hard man


You know what? I don't think I've ever cried playing a visual novel or even just reading a story so that's definitely a first. Thank you very much for such a well written story and im excited (also anxious lol) for the next updates and the future!! I'll be over here clearing my eyes out!!


This update made me cry hard when I got that ending. The whole last 5 minutes was an experience and yeah I think we need a support group hahahaha.


I do wanna say Howly that I think the Mac version might be bugged, cause other people chose the same options I did and I got the a bad thing whereas they got "To be continued". I made a fresh game file and picked the same options again and instead of the "bad thing" I got To Be Continued. It might be an issue with saves carried over from older versions on the Mac version? Not sure but it was bizarre. I've got a file where I wrote down what decisions I picked along the way over the past few months so I'm pretty positive I didn't mess up anywhere.


Goodness... this update has left me in an emotional wreck. This marks the first time any VN has drawn tears from my eyes. "We'll grow old... together" really got to me. Here's to hoping Amicus gets a happy ending he deserves. Thanks for a wonderful update Howly and Haps for the amazing art. I'm greatly anticipating the next one!


So ... I wasn't expecting that. I'm looking forward to part 2.


HOWLY OMG! I'm screaming the entire time I play this update! AAAAAAA!!! I CANNOT! I CANNOT! AMICUS IS SO SAD QmQ THIS CANNOT BE THE END AAAAAAAA On another, more serious and less hysterical, note, this update literally made me so anxious, I kept tying knots in my stomach with each click. Let's hope for wonderful things to come. Also thanks for the reassurance, I was not sure I was picking the right options until this update UmU I cannot wait for the next one.


i just finished playing this update and i don't know what to say. all i know that i can say is that i can't wait until the next update get released to see how the story will continue.


On a meaner, bitchier, karmical hand(I guess I have 3 hands), CATO NEEDS TO D I E


Thank you for this, I'm starting now and will reply with thoughts, I just wanted you to know that you've really made my holiday special this year. I always spend it alone, without support, without anyone but this...this does bring emotion back into my life. Just know I'm grateful more than I can express with words and I hope you can enjoy your holiday and that everyone's words gives you ease and peace of mind to keep your head high...everyone who worked on this. Have a great holiday and hope to see you next year!


I just finished the update and I did a few test runs but so far I haven't found any differences in the story based on the choices you make (other than the sfw/nsfw choice). If anyone has found them I would love it if you could reply with a spoiler warning so other people who want to find it themselves still can, and just put the choices to get the different ending, so I can still see the other ending without spoilers. That being said I still loved this update and I will surely be counting down the days to the 5th! Happy Holidays to everyone on the team and to all you readers!


ow my heart

Snow Kruzer

Okay I tried not to, but I cried

Snow Kruzer

I think the changes will appear in the next update, on the 5th. Since it's one part split in two.


Even my English is quite lousy, I still cried in front of my computer. To see what happened at the end of this update is the hardest thing in this month. That broke my heart. Looking forward to the next update.


So wait is he gonna come back to life again or is there another ending that sees him living cause from the choices i made i dont see how it would affect the out come of the fight


I chose to trust the jackle and said yes to the parents


Holy hell. There are Hollywood blockbusters out there that have moved me less than this game; excellent writing and storytelling, as always! Had to sit down for a while after playing this because I was NOT prepared for what just transpired. Looking forward to the next update!


*Spoiler Alert* I really enjoyed how tense this update was. True, it was a bit short, but since this isn't the final product, you can still go back and add things for the final product. I'm hoping that we get to talk to Cassius in limbo for the next part. It would be funny, because it would be the second time they both are together in front of the Monitor. Also, in the case that MC and/or Cassius dies, it would be good for them to come to an understanding and at least part on amenable terms.


So......not what I expected at all. This was a great early Christmas present Howly but...damn!!! Great update! Can't wait for the next one!! But um....so did I get the bad route? I chose to trust Neferu and said yes to the Parents, but to me this feels like the bad ending. There was no to be continued, our character dies, Amicus is crying and I'm crying! Plz someone clear this up for me! I need to know!!!

Snow Kruzer

Merry Christmas Echo !


Do you remember what you said when the parents asked you if you thought Amicus would be a good Emperor? Saying "no" there seems to be a trigger for the bad ending as far as I can tell. I chose "Infinity" when asked about death, chose to tell Amicus to trust Neferu, said "I don't know" when asked if Amicus would be a good emperor, and chose to submit to the parents and I avoided the bad ending. You might need to make a new save and make different choices.


I LOVE the dialogue between Amicus and the MC towards the end. Literally replayed that scene like 20 times. Made me cry, thank you for this, and keep up the fantastic work.


just asking, when is the next update going to come? i know you're probably really busy, its fine if you cant answer just yet.


Not sure on that one, however I don't think he said anything about this being the last one. That being said, the second part could be the last update? I'm hopeful that there will be at least one or two more after the second part on the 5th.


"we'll grow old together....." Ok 1. who's paying for my damn therapy sessions??!! 2. Why........? just why?????! that hurt so much. I felt like i was the MC himself I felt so involved and it only hurt that much more. And the rage I have towards that damn cat right now is indescribable... The fifth cant come fast enough let me tell you...But despite the heartbreak I went through I think what made it hurt so much was the love that blossomed between these two. Talk about finding love in a broken place. Minus that last horrible scene If i had to go through all of everything up until this point if it meant having that one that loves me as much as amicus loves the MC, I would hands down. Maybe even the last scene. I would risk my life for him. I just....I mean....I am so hurt lol


same someone said there isnt a bad ending but from what everyone is saying i think there's only one direct route for now. because no matter what anyone else chose they still got the bad ending so we'll see next update.


He said it in this update " I've done in the past, more on par with an Echo update, however, once I finish the second half, it will be quite a bit longer. If you'd like to wait for the full build, I plan to release the second portion on the 5th (and I promise it WILL be released that day, as it is mostly written)."


Yeah, when Amicus said that ngl I teared up. I honestly can't name any other piece of media that has ever made me do that. Regarding Alex, I honestly think he is almost as bad as Cato now, maybe even worse. I doubt Amicus will be in a forgiving mood after having his brother poisoned and the love of his life bleed to death in his arms, and I can only imagine his fury when he finds out that this is all Alex's fault in the first place.


Can you at least tell us if the MC will stay a human or not? I get a feeling the MC is no longer going to be human anymore.


Thought that too because how do you bring someone back after THAT. Last time was like ok I see how that can happened but this? Idk


The fact that the MC is human is central to the story. If they can slap him in a blank wolf or something then I would question why they can't just clone his original body.


Am I the only one who is worried about what the Monitor said? You know, "Amicus will be coming for you soon, just wait for him". Becouse I can totally see Amicus taking away his own life after all he's gone through. Adastra could be ending like a futuristic Romeo and Juliet :(


I swear if that's the case I'm taking away my Patreon support.


I thought that maybe the vision the MC has the first time they die possibly foreshadows the reincarnation into a wolf body with the whole amicus hugging a wolf on a balcony and it specifically mentions amicus looking a bit thinner in the vision and after he'd been in the dungeon for a while


I'm fairly certain that is a vision of the past. Specifically, the event that he told the MC about on the beach where he kissed the son of a triumvir, unaware that the event was being recorded.


I'm not crying! You're crying! :<