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Poll: Next Comic

  • Glitch Techs 255
  • Aggretsuko 131
  • Sonic 130
  • 2024-02-01
  • —2024-02-05
  • 516 votes
{'title': 'Poll: Next Comic', 'choices': [{'text': 'Glitch Techs', 'votes': 255}, {'text': 'Aggretsuko', 'votes': 131}, {'text': 'Sonic', 'votes': 130}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 5, 5, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 1, 5, 24, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 516}


Scott Pilgrim comic is done and Scrawled is close to finishing this chapter.  While I have plenty of fun ideas to take Scrawled with the new short-story format, right now I need to decide what fanart based comic I'll be working on next!  I decided on a few that've been in my mind for a little while now.

1. Glitch Techs- Miko x Zahra x High Five: High Five and Zahra like eachother, but neither are willing to admit it.  Fortunately Miko is willing to help them out and get them to both open up and be more comfortable with eachother (and her).  Somewhat of a sequel to my last GT comic, Game Changer.

2. Aggretsuko- Haida x Shikabane: During Haida's time living at the internet cafe he becomes flustered when one night he has to share the same bed as Shikabane.  Being so close to her, he tries to hide his growing urges, but turns out Shikabane doesn't mind him acting on them.

3. Sonic- Blaze the Cat and Mina the Mongoose: Blaze becomes a pop star and gets close with Mina in the process.  Mina shows her around the nightlife where they end up at a club and get wild with the partygoers and their other friends.



Question, for the Sonic comic, would it be possible to request Sonic OCs to be part of the comic?


Honestly I think you should have went with Sonic, Amy, and Surge. It would have been very hard for me to choose.