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The Deja Vu Day is now complete!  This was a fun one to work on, lots of chances for character interactions and jokes, and I got to experiment with a lot of things throughout.  Thank you for reading everyone!  You can find the cover images (page 00) as well as the full comic in the attachments if you want to download the whole thing together.  Due to Patreons file limits the hi-res ones had to be split up into multiple parts.

For this comic I fully wrote the script and thumbnailed out all the pages first, but for the next one I think I'll go back to my old way of planning the script and just working on it page by page.  Planning the whole thing was nice at times but I kind of just like going with the flow as I go.  I do plan on making my next comics a bit shorter though, still wanna try for something more like 10-20 pages rather than 30-40.  I'll be putting up a poll later today to help decide what my next topic will be.




Usually I'd recommend just writing a whole script to keep things organized as a baseline on where the story might go/end. But when the drawing starts is when going with the flow probably makes the process easier since the story might have one good idea. But then someone might have ANOTHER good idea and suddenly you're like dang I should've thought of that.


Your comics are seriously amazing, i cant wait to find out what the next one will be about!