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Ch.0    Ch.1    A Rough Bond

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Something has awakened inside Beth, think she'll be able to cope with her sudden changes?  We'll see, but meanwhile there're some other characters I need to get back to!

Heads up, the monthly character suggestion post will be up either later tonight or tomorrow.

Hi-res pages like this will only be put here on my sites, you can find the full-size file in the attachments below.



Joey D&D

Beth and Audrey I think has been the cutest so far


The plot thickens.


I need to get fan art of Beth and miss Audrey :3 if that’s fine Ofcourse. They just shot up to the top 3. I love them and this lil side story was awesome


From the sounds of the description, this seems to be the end of Beth's section. Hell of a cliffhanger to leave Beth's story on! XD Seems like her demon side might be growing, and that'll be interesting to see develop. Also, if this is the end of Beth's section for now, I just wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for what we got. Beth was my favorite early on when the comic started just going by her design and the bits of personality that she showed, and with all that happened in this section, showing more depth to her character, the development she's had with Audrey, and the potential of how she'll grow in the future, I love her even more! ❤️ It's only fair that we check back in on the others, and I wouldn't want them to be neglected as there's a lot to explore and love with Nera, Atti, Colleen and everyone else, but I can't deny that I will still look forward to when we return to Beth. Here's to you, sir! ☕


It's basic occultism 101! "Never trust a demon at face value!"


Beth is a damn cutie


Yee, black sclera is always a winner!


Don't know why but that's a HOT look on her😍


Interesting. I wonder if it is a personal and unexpected *mutation* or a greater manifestation of the demonic heritage... or a combination of both...


Thank you, glad everyone's been enjoying Beth! She's quickly been growing as one of my favorites to work on too, I didn't expect to get this into her character originally. There'll be more with her later, but it's time I give the same kind of development to others.


Why is demonic beth so...hot?