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Well, guys, I think you might have gotten the message from patreon already regarding new Tax adding to the pledges. It is VAT, GST, JCT, QST or Sales Tax, its name depends on country.

Patreon says that this is cause of world laws changes and because 'digital goods' become 'real goods'. Different streaming platforms who provide digital services, like, for example, Netflix, have been paying for it for some time. Thats why Patreon adds this taxes aswell.

Sadly, for now creators can not take those taxes on their side. Only the one who "recieves goods" coud pay sales tax :c It is illegal for them to give me the ability to take this tax on my side. Patreon said that they maaaay be will think up something regarding this in the future, but not for now.

Now to the better news! Changes in pledges might notice less than a half of you ^^ Sorry, that might sound strange, I know, but I have no idea how to rephrase it xDD I mean that my content, the one I provide to you, wont be taxable in most places. I have settled my pledges as it was advices in official Patreon FAQ sooooo as I understand tax will not be applied to the whole summ of pledge, but to the % of content that is taxable. OOOF! This is so hard to understand and even more hard to describe xDDD 

I really hope it will not affect you too much so you can just chill here and enjoy the stuff ><

If you have any questions or anything please ask here in comments or via private messages! I'd glagly try to answer you ^^ (try not cause im lazy or smth but cause it is so damn harddddd) 




Hey no worries. This isnt your fault. Just keep being you, we love your content :)

Skeleton Man

Taxes are hard. Good Luck!


mm interesting. lets see what happens


I have been paying 24 percent VAT for at least a year, guess theyre just starting to charge it in more countries or something


Yes! I guess mostly EU. But others aswell &gt;&lt; So for you, as I understand well, you (maybe, im not sure!) will pay less taxes now. Cause Patreon actually added a thing to settle pledges with different digital goods categories and some of them might be freed from tax.

William Noble

This is weird. I live in the states, and Ive never had to pay tax on Pateron.


This is new and will be applied from next month on :c Here are some official info - https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-effective-July-1st-2020

Reni Akuren

I haven't been on patreon for long enough to see any difference, we'll see on next month ^^"


I'm part of the 'already taxed' crew, and paying *less* to make pledges just sounds like a win to me =P Hope it doesn't eat too much into your overall pledges, Eipril


Thanks for the heads up!


I can't speak for the other country's taxes, but GST (Goods and Services Tax) from Australia, the provider of the good or service MUST collect the tax from each sale to hold it themselves on behalf of the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) until scheduled payment time (depends on the size of business, for you probably quarterly at most). Either way, it may be expensive but I thoroughly recommend taking what Patreon said and visiting a taxation specialized accountant to review it. It's an expensive visit, but as a once off it can help you avoid much worse happening in the future.


There are 2 different types of taxes. One is paid by the "seller" and another one by the "customer". I pay "seller" tax and Patreon adds "customer" tax now. I wish I could INCLUDE it into my pledge. So for example for patreons pledges are as now, but I recieve my pledge amount minus "customer" tax. I really hope they will add something like that, so I can take this tax on my side too :D


Honestly I was for the ability to include that tax into my pledge like all that time. Like you pay only the summ the pledge is, but I recieve that umm- your tax. Ooof, really hope they will add this ability! ^^