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Welll, sitting at home really making me insane. I mean I have hever thought it will be so depressing. I go out of my apartments 1-2 times a month only to get some food and then come back xD I cant wait when I can go for a good sunny walk! Also I am very much jelaous to people who live in their own houses and have a yard >:c You lucky fellas! The only thing I could do is to sit at window and look on the street at people who dont care about self isolation >;cccc Hate it!

My granny and parents called me to go to our dacha but my cough isnt fully cured so I cant risk with my granny's health! She has astma the same way as I have and I dont want her to become sick covid or even simple flu ><

Also awesome news - there will be internet in my country house, weeee! I mean not low speed 3g but wired hight-speed internet! Thats awesome, I will be able to work from there so I can visit my grandma more frequently :3 

The reason I draw is 20% because my grandma put me into kids drawing classes while I was small. It had nothing with pinting schools but it taught me to love drawing. She bought me a lot of books and helped me with critique when I was much younger. Also she is the one who instilled in me a love of animals. She was a zoologist and our house was full of animals as I remember myself. We even had bees! I've participated in bee keeping since 12 xD That is fun and bees are super-warm.Also we had 4 dogs the same time, also goats, sheep, cats, ferrets and many other. I've seen how she participated in breeding a new breed of guinea pigs. We had a highhhh wall full of cages of them, more than 100, and every one was happy, healthy and clean :3 She like animals very much and so am I.

Also talking about animals. My older cat is visiting grandma right now and there become an issue - she opens a bucket with our water and drink from it. It wont be a big deal but she also WASH HER PAWS THERE. Ooof! xD We decided to buy her a simple fountain drinking bowl but she still drinks from bucket. Atleast she wash her paws in fountain now...xD

Talking about work...I've been suddenly invited to irl project. The invite was given by my chief with who I've worked some time ago. I've tried to say no to their offer but they dont want to listen. I've decided to myself that I dont want to participate and that my current stuff is more interesting for me atm. Also I dont really want to offend them. But the overall attitude made me somewhat angry. Like they didnt ask me, but they told me Im working with them. Like whut. I dont want and I feel being emotionally abused xD

Anyway I will keep on working with my regular stuff. I have some big ideas to create and I want you to see it! ^^ This is my goal atm!

Furrysation character for this month - Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui anime :3 It is STRANGE but I've watched it full and havent even noticed xD Yumeko is a cutie <3




Looks way better than the original pic of this same pose... good lord that face haunts my nightmares. I love the show's over the topness, but gaaaaahhh those facial expressions scare me.

Bluedragon3399 .

Nice work :D even If the face give ne chills 🤣 but in a good way :D i also Like that you sometimes Tell about your Life and so on. Pls keep Up With both :D