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Ok people, patreon will not change current fee system (and I am TOTALY happy about that) 

For all people who have missed drama - Patreon wanted to take fee for money transfer from patreons (currently they take that fee from creators) with new fee payment 2.9%+0.35$. So 1$ patreons will pay 1.38$ for supporting (crazy!!). This affects all low-pledge creators/patreons very much. But people didnt like that new system, many patreons canceled their pledges // creators contacted with Patreon team. As result -  https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/ 

There are no words how glad I am about it ^^




Now we just need a Christmas miracle to stop the net neutrality repeal...


That will never happen with the 2nd amendment here in the US. Too many are against it

Jeff Hollis

I'm very glad they reconsidered this move to charge Patreon users more, at least that MUCH more. When I first read about it, I wrote up a graph out of curiosity to see what the % change would be to me personally. I would have been paying nearly 25% more per month, which is silly to jack the cost that high. Their reasoning was because they want Patreon creators to get a more consistent and higher payout of their patron's support (95% from their email). I'm all for creators getting more monies, but the average pledge is $6.76 according to an article they have conveniently taken down now, which results in about 8.5% increased cost to all Patrons. I would have kept my pledges the same, but I would feel a bit sore toward Patreon for taking more out of my pockets. If there were another way to support the creators I follow, even direct paypal payments, I probably would very quickly leave Patreon to switch to that.