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For those who voted for Larxene feel happy because I'm already working on her drawing ^^

This is because Larxene was very fought with Spider-Gwen, so I decided that it was the next drawing that I will work on.

Now it depends on when I finish it, I will decide when to publish it, if I finish this drawing before November 15, I will publish it as the second drawing of the month, but if I finish it after the 15th I will publish it on December 1, since if I publish it, let's say On November 20, I doubt that I will have the time to draw a picture for the first of December.

I hope you are excited about this drawing by Larxene ^^

PS: Later I will do an important survey for the content of my Patreon, stay tuned.




Oh lord your Kingdom Hearts pics are amazing, I would die to see you give Aqua the same treatment!